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How do I save?

Sadly the save function was being worked on when the code got wiped and Wastes development ended :/

Never managed to add it in

Aww... alright then. I'll make do with what I have

No worries mate! hope you can still enjoy it <3


I love drinking every vial i find and then days later wondering where I got a tail from

Hahaha, it's a risky game unless you find the book that tells you what the vials are


Learnt about this from your video omg!!!!! About Warsim <3

Hell yeah always love more people hearing about it :)


Heard about this today. Gonna check it out.

Hope you enjoy it mate! How did you hear about it? :o

(1 edit) (+1)

I was interested in making my own text-based adventure game actually and was doing research on reddit. So far I like it a lot, but I’m just sad it was cut short before you were able to implement a save feature. If you don’t mind me asking, what  did you use to make this game?

Ah that's cool mate, well it's made in C++ with no engine, using the Codeblocks IDE

Thanks. I'll check out Warsim too

Ah awesome mate, well I hope you enjoy it!


you gotta remake this game

I wish I had the time for it, I miss it a lot haha


lol hopefully one day.

Hear hear!


how is warsim doing lol

Going really good thanks, it's summer sale times too so it's nice at the moment :) 

Got some Warsim plans cooking in the background too :)


I was not aware you are also the dev of Warsim, I am also a player and remembered this gem. Really hope to see it revived someday- and if not? Do you have any resources on developing a game like this? I'd love to give it a go myself.

(1 edit) (+1)

Really enjoying Warism on Steam so I decided to come back here and give this a spin. Hope you make a new project soon!

Edit: It isn't working on my pc. Gonna have to find a work around. I really need to play this.


Thank you mate, just saw your steam review too! Really appreciated <3

And shit should work on a PC. Only weird thing I saw before was sometimes anti-virus programs don't like the .exe for some reason. Couldn't play it on my own PC once when I coded the damn thing. But it's identical to Warsim in it's format, Cmd.exe.

Let me know if you have any issues, and thanks again <3

commenting just to say i love the game and its sad you lost it mate, about to try the new update for warsim hope its good :)


Hey mate, always makes me happy to see comments on this project! Still sad about it's loss but hey, life goes on haha

Thanks for the kind words and I hope you enjoy the Warsim update <3


I can't stop playing, send help! Game is really fun. It has interesting events and mechanics (like storms for example). RNG is painful, but it's also the fun of the game. Too bad source code got lost, but this game is a gem even as it is!

Thank you so much mate, always warms my heart to get comments on this dead game. It was once my baby and the depression when I lost it at first was immenese. I'd love to remake the concept in the future though haha!

I love the RNG, sometimes you get super lucky and sometimes you get it terrible but it's just the way of the wastes and you never know haha


This game rocks. Sad to hear the source code got wiped :(

Thank you mate, it means a lot to still get comments on this project! I love it so much


I didn't know about this game believe it or not. I have played Warsim off and on and i can see original inspiration from this game.  Its a shame the code was lost. I actually prefer this exploration style of play over running a kingdom play. 

Just a couple of questions...

1) Charisma, Luck and Sneak has no values in the Skill points menu, i cannot level these up. is this because from failures you eventually get these skills? like with failing lock picking you can increase your skill, but also can do this when spending skill points too.

2) Are all the regions random? including number counter to clear them?

3) Are the levels of regions how hard the enemies will be to kill or difficulty across the board, eg. picking locks will be harder too etc

Hey mate, I loved the Wastes and appreciate the core gameplay loop more than Warsims personally too.

Unfortunately at the time I never expanded the skill trees, so only the skills with numbers next to them work in game.

As for the regions, yes they are all completely random but at game start the initial loadout are all lower level regions that are super small. This is to ensure the player doesn't instantly get killed off with a bad loadout. After that it's pure luck. There are perks that make it so you get a guarenteed higher minimum of regions to choose from but they are still random.

It's a mix of tougher spawns but also some encounters that are hidden for lower region levels, lockpicking is unchanged though.


Is a save function ever gonna be implemented?

Sorry mate, this games dead in the water. The source code was wiped in an accident years ago.

I wish I could though honestly.


Damn that doesnt sound good. I didnt even think you would reply. But i saw you have another game released which is kind of like this game so i might check it out. Well take care.

It's alright mate, I used to really enjoy this game and I'm always humbled people are still playing/checking it out!

I've got backups of the new game so no chance of the same issues haha, thank you for the support either way :)


Hi are there any cheats for this game. And what do all the diffident editions do. Like (13=Welp Edition, 26=Iquana Bill Edition, 31=Coward Edition, 33=Perky Edition, 35=Super Perky Edition, 66=Dead Man Edition, and 78=All Colour Activated To Change The Color Of The Text) And any others i have not found.

My Blind Friend And I like playing your game.

Thanks in advanced.


Hi buddy, glad you like the game.

Entered into the main menu these will give you special cheats, not required but they do add a new element to the game, mostly added for testing they are there to allow the player to play around

  • 13 - welp edition - sets players hp to 50 and stats to 1
  • 26 - iguana bill edition - turns the player into iguana bill
  • 31 - coward edition - sets players hp and stats higher
  • 66 - deadman edition - sets players hp to 10 and stats all to 1
  • 33 - Perky edition - 10 perks per level
  • 35 - super perky edition - 100 perks per level
  • 78 - Colour Selector - Dev tool that allows you to force any colour
  • 101 - level 1 forever edition- pretty much impossible to level up
  • 108 - Garry Edition - All npcs are named garry
  • 404 - Encounter Selector - Dev tool that allows you to force any encounter
  • 999 - drugged test - runs the drugged effect
  • 1337 - LEET edition - sets players hp and stats super high
  • 1007 - LOOT edition - lots more loot
  • 555 - $$$ edition - gives you $1'000'000
  • 5555 - $$$$ edition - gives you $100'000'000

I found a sort of exploit. The dude that allows you to make a blood weapon and roll ye olde die of disgrace and trade blood for coins, if you get the regen deal-io skill and you sell your blood for the highest amount and then go in and out of your inventory you will regen said lost HP, so you can then sell your blood again and again etc.

Nice exploit, cheers for letting me know. The game source code was lost so it's never going to be updated again unfortunately but I'm glad it's still being played :)


Hell yeah dude, it's very annoying when a fat guy pops out of the ground and one hits you cause you cant run away and your max hp is 135, but it's fun enough to make you never want to stop playing over and over again.

Yeah man, those Titans can get you!

Even as the dev I literally can't save myself half the time in game, it's a brutal and unforgiving game,

Deleted 2 years ago

Glad to hear it, thanks for playing and best of luck with your upcoming stuff :)


Love this game so much!


Hey Retch, really glad you like it! :)