Hey everyone, so I'm proud to be able to finally release the diplomacy update, which is an update that aimed to rework some areas of diplomacy and give big upgrades to others. There are also lots and lots of non diplomacy related changes!
**PEACE REWORKED (64 features)**
I wanted offering peace to function the same as requesting a vassal, choose an emissary and send them off, the Peace system was made even more dynamic than the vassal system with a lot more that can happen and a lot more that effects it. There is now a ton that can happen when requesting peace!
* Added new emissary choice option for requesting peace
* Added Pacifist races automatically accept peace
* Added Death race auto rejection screen
* Added Chaos race auto rejection screen
* Added dynamic peace outcome system based on relation/leader personality/strength/emissary type
* Added cowardly/gentle/weak/harmless races get a +1 chance of accepting peace
* Added dark/cruel/wretched/vile/blood races get a -1 chance of accepting peace
* Added chaotic/evil races get a -2 chance of accepting peace
* Added Psychotic/Corrupt/Warped/Underworld/Monstrous races get a -3 chance of accepting peace
* Added Undead/Wraith/Hell/Abyssal/Eldrich/Nightmare races get a -4 chance of accepting peace
* Added Light/Happy/Holy races get a +3 chance of accepting peace if public opinion is above 35
* Added berserk/battle/combat/warrior/warborn races get a -1 chance of accepting peace
* Added cackling/laughing races get a special laughing screen before peace request
* Added weeping/crying races get a special crying screen before peace request
* Added free (ex-slave) races will automatically ask for you to free your slaves for peace (if you have more than 50 slaves)
* Added 'war is bad' stupid leader peace acceptance
* Added 'doing peace is bad' stupid leader peace acceptance
* Added 'read the war map wrong' stupid leader peace acceptance
* Added 'fierce debate' peace acceptance
* Added 'glory of war' peace acceptance
* Added 'start of a new friendship' peace acceptance
* Added 'shout I do it?' stupid leader peace encounter
* Added 'assure us' peace acceptance
* Added 'Pay us 1 gold wergild' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us 50 gold per negative relation' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us 100 gold per negative relation' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us 250 gold per negative relation' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((100xIndLand + -Relation) x10) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((200xIndLand + -Relation) x20) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((500xIndLand + -Relation) x50) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((750xIndLand + -Relation) x75) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((1000xIndLand + -Relation) x100) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((1500xIndLand + -Relation) x150) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((2000xIndLand + -Relation) x200) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'Pay us ((2500xIndLand + -Relation) x250) gold' peace request encounter
* Added 'we might be weaker but we won't back down' peace rejection
* Added 'not anytime soon' peace rejection
* Added 'I do not see it as in my interest' peace rejection
* Added 'Not a chance' peace rejection
* Added 'Not just yet' peace rejection
* Added 'You can't be serious' peace rejection
* Added 'Couldn't possibly' peace rejection
* Added 'I'd sooner see us fall' peace rejection
* Added 'Give us peace and die' peace rejection
* Added 'What a waste of time KILL THE EMISSARY' peace rejection
* Added 'NEVER...' emissary killed peace rejection
* Added 'What an insult' emissary killed peace rejection
* Added 'The whispers agree, emissary fee' Peace acceptance (but kill emissary)
* Added 'The worms demand it' Peace acceptance (but kill emissary)
* Added 'The council wills it' Peace acceptance (but kill emissary)
* Added 'fine, for a better tomorrow' peace acceptance
* Added 'am I a fool?' peace acceptance
* Added 'A closer friend?' peace acceptance
* Added 'flip a coin for peace' peace encounter
* Added 'leader turns your emissary away' peace rejection
* Added 'A riddle for peace' peace encounter (answer one of several riddles, for peace)
* Added 'Public Denouncement' peace encounter (publicly denounce the war)
* Added 'Kill a tenth of your men' peace encounter
* Added 'Coin of fate (just a regular coin)' peace encounter
* Added 'Give us a land' peace encounter (give one land for peace)
* Added 'Brawl for peace' peace encounter
* Added '1 peasant per -1 relation' peace encounter
* Added 'Free your slaves' peace encounter
* Added peace attempt cooldown
**HIRING TROOPS (12 features)**
Some improvements, including discounts and better display for hiring units from independent kingdoms!
* Added 100+ relation gives 50% discount on hiring troops
* Added 90+ relation gives 40% discount on hiring troops
* Added 80+ relation gives 30% discount on hiring troops
* Added 70+ relation gives 20% discount on hiring troops
* Added 50+ relation gives 10% discount on hiring troops
* Added 30+ relation gives 5% discount on hiring troops
* Fixed text bug with hire troop from indepenedent screen
* Added coloured options to hire troop from indepenedent screen
* Added missing x) blocked out options for unhirable units when hiring troops from indepenedent screen
* Added custom military captain face instead of using leaders face when hiring troops from indepenedent screen
* Added new screens for when selecting unit type to hire
* Added new screen post hire showing how many units hired and how much gold paid
**DECLARATION OF WAR (32 features)**
Now if you want to let a kingdom know you plan to attack them, you can. You can still 'declare war' by launching attacks on them until they hate you but this allows you to interact with them a little more!
* Added new option to declare war in diplomacy
* Added option to reconsider before sending off war declaration
* Added screen for destroying war scroll and cancelling war declaration
* Added Warborn races far more likely to go to war with you
* Added Harmless/Cowardly/Pacifist/Gentle races more likely to ask you to reconsider war
* Added 2 dynamic war-declaration drum sounds
* Added unique war declaration reaction from Warborn races
* Added unique war declaration reaction from Warrior races
* Added unique war declaration reaction from Combat races
* Added unique war declaration reaction from Battle races
* Added 3 reactions from friendly/normal leaders to war declaration if they are more than 5x stronger than you
* Added 3 reactions from hostile leaders to war declaration if they are more than 5x stronger than you
* Added 3 reactions from creepy leaders to war declaration if they are more than 5x stronger than you
* Added 3 reactions from mercantile leaders to war declaration if they are more than 5x stronger than you
* Added 3 reactions from stupid leaders to war declaration if they are more than 5x stronger than you
* Added 3 reactions from friendly/normal leaders to war declaration if you are more than 5x stronger than them
* Added 3 reactions from hostile leaders to war declaration if you are more than 5x stronger than them
* Added 3 reactions from creepy leaders to war declaration if you are more than 5x stronger than them
* Added 3 reactions from mercantile leaders to war declaration if you are more than 5x stronger than them
* Added 3 reactions from stupid leaders to war declaration if you are more than 5x stronger than them
* Added 3 reactions from friendly/normal leaders to war declaration if you are closely matched
* Added 3 reactions from hostile leaders to war declaration if you are closely matched
* Added 3 reactions from creepy leaders to war declaration if you are closely matched
* Added 3 reactions from mercantile leaders to war declaration if you are closely matched
* Added 3 reactions from stupid leaders to war declaration if you are closely matched
* Added request for a second chance from leaders if you declaration of war doesn't fully deplete your relation with the kingdom
* Added begging from pacifist races to not go to war with you
* Added 6 dynamic reactions to second chance from different leader types
* Added releif screen if second chance is accepted
* Added scroll written sound effect to declaration of war
* Made peace attempt cooldown random between 1-7 years
* Made vassal attempt cooldown random between 1-7 years
**ALLIANCES (22 features)**
Alliances were poorly done previously with mostly single lines of text and no unique screens or sound effects, now the system has been fixed up and brought up to speed with the rest of the game.
* Added screen for sending alliance request
* Added new screen for friendly leader trade acceptance
* Added new screen for chaos orb gift rare bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for big chest of gold gift uncommon bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for chest of gold gift common bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for hostile leader Alliance rejection
* Added new screen for hostile leader Alliance slight rejection
* Added new screen for hostile leader Alliance acceptance
* Added new screen for normal leader Alliance acceptance
* Added new screen for stupid leader Alliance acceptance
* Fixed stupid leader reference to trade deal instead of alliance
* Fixed 8 text bugs with old alliance texts
* Added new sound effect for burning 100 people alive
* Added new screen for creepy leader alliance
* Added new screen for burning 100 peasants
* Added new screen for burning 100 slaves
* Added new screen for no peasants/slaves to burn
* Added new screen for refusing to burn peasants/slaves
* Fixed creepy leader give trade deal instead of alliance
* Added new screen for rejecting Alliance due to slavery
* Added ability to ask independents why they are rejecting Alliance with you (6 dynamic responses)
* Added ability to end slavery to appease Alliance policy request (dynamic outcome)
**ALLIANCE ENDED (8 features)**
Ending alliances had a single line of text previously that wasn't even specific to the types of leaders, now there are lots of dynamic responses!
* Added new screen for ending alliance
* Added 3 reactions from friendly leaders to alliance ended
* Added 3 reactions from creepy leaders to alliance ended
* Added 3 reactions from normal leaders to alliance ended
* Added 3 reactions from stupid leaders to alliance ended
* Added 3 reactions from mercantile leaders to alliance ended
* Added 3 reactions from hostile leaders to alliance ended
* Added scroll written sound effect to alliance ended
The sending troops to your allies feature now has screens, sound effects, a fixed bug and is no longer spam-able.
* Made option to send 10 troops to ally blocked if you don't have ten troops
* Added new screen and sfx for sending 10 troops to ally
* Added dynamic reactions from different leader personalities for sending the troops
* Added giving troops to friendly or stupid leaders grants +4 relation
* Added giving them to creepy leader is +2 (all other personality types are +3)
* Added tracker of how many sets of troops you've sent
* Added dynamic reactions from different leader personalities for sending the troops once you've sent 3 sets (half relation boost)
* Added dynamic reactions from different leader personalities for sending the troops once you've sent 5 sets (no relation boost)
Trade routes like most of diplomacy were just sorry little single lines of text before, now they have all been turned into more informational screens showing the change in relation and numerous other things.
* Added new screen for rejecting trade due to slavery
* Added ability to ask independents why they are rejecting trade with you (6 dynamic responses)
* Added ability to end slavery to appease trade policy request (dynamic outcome)
* Added new screen for friendly leader trade acceptance
* Added new screen for chaos orb gift rare bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for big chest of gold gift uncommon bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for chest of gold gift common bonus from friendly leader
* Added new screen for hostile leader trade rejection
* Added new screen for hostile leader trade slight rejection
* Added new screen for hostile leader trade acceptance
* Added new screen for normal leader trade acceptance
* Reduced relation bonus from 15 to 10 for trade with normal leader
* Added new screen for stupid leader trade acceptance
* Reduced relation bonus from 15 to 10 for trade with stupid leader
* Added new screen for creepy leader trade deal
* Added new screen for hanging peasants
* Added new screen for no peasants to hang
* Fixed creepy leader trade deal hang peasants allowing anything entered to exit the screen
* Added new screen for refusing request to hang peasants
* Added new screen for 300 gold toll for trade with merchant leader
* Added new screen for instant trade with merchant leader
* Added new screen for 1000 gold toll for trade with merchant leader
* Added new screen for not enough gold for merchant leader
* Added new screen for rejecting merchant leader trade deal offer
* Added current gold amount shown when offered pay to trade deal with merchant leader
* Added indicator of how much relation is required with hostile leader for trade
* Fixed Xenophobic vassals can't be traded with
What does up, must come down. You can cancel trade routes, but be aware there could be a number of consequences!
* Fixed 12 text bugs with cancelling trade route with Friendly leader
* Added new screen for cancelling trade with friendly leader
* Fixed linesplit issues with all cancelling trade route screens
* Added special indicator if breaking trade results in war
* Fixed 10 text bugs with cancelling trade route with hostile leader
* Added new screen for cancelling trade with hostile leader
* Added new screen for standard mercantile leader cancel trade response
* Added new screen for trade pay off offer from mercantile leader
* Added new screen for paying bribe to mercantile leader when cancelling trade
* Added new screen for being unable to afford bribe to mercantile leader when cancelling trade
* Added new screen for refusing to bribe to mercantile leader when cancelling trade
* Fixed merc leader bribe encounter being skippable when it shouldn't have been
* Added new screens for cancelling trade with normal leader
* Added new screens for cancelling trade with weird leaders
**GIFTS OF GOLD (21 features)**
Gifting gold used to be, send 500 gold for a relationjump with the kingdom in question. This could be the kingdom with 300k gold and 60 lands, or the one with 10 gold. Well now gifting gold allows you to choose three sizes of gift and also adjusts them to the current gold of the kingdom in question meaning you can no longer cheaply buy favour with rich kingdoms.
* Added new choice of gift screen for gifting gold
* Added option to gift 1/100th of the kingdoms gold
* Added option to gift 1/10th of the kingdoms gold
* Added option to gift 1/4th of the kingdoms gold
* Added 12 possible outcomes donating gold to friendly and normal kingdoms
* Fixed 32 typos in old gift gold system
* Made gold gifting get it's own screen
* Made gold response get it's own screen
* Added chance that hostile kingdom rejects gold gift
* Added 22 possible outcomes donating gold to hostile kingdom
* Added 9 possible outcomes to donating gold to mercantile kingdom
* Added 6 possible outcomes to donating gold to stupid kingdom
* Added chance weird kingdom sends back all but one gold coin
* Added Ant colony burnings reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added dog killing reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added build and destroy reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added jar of goblin flakes reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added friend skull reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added dried flesh paper reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added 3 possible goat testicle reactions for gold gifted to weird kingdom
* Added buried gold reaction for gold gifted to weird kingdom
Financial and military aid have been given a facelift here!
* Added new screen for requesting financial aid
* Added screen for not having enough relation to be able to ask for aid
* Made hostile leaders require twice as much relation to consider giving you gold
* Added screen for gold given
* Added screen for refusal to give gold cause you're rich
* Added new screen for requesting military aid
* Added screen for not having enough relation to be able to ask for troops
* Made hostile leaders require twice as much relation to consider giving military aid
* Added screen for troops given
* Added screen for refusal to give troops because they don't have enough
**GOBLIN DIPLOMACY (6 features)**
Having a goblin diplomat or someone who speaks goblin allows diplomacy with the goblins, but it wasn't up to scratch, now goblin diplomacy is similar to with the independent kingdoms!
* Added new screens for peace request to Krut (with sfx)
* Added new screens for peace request to Erak (with sfx)
* Fixed gold paid for peace not given to Krut or Erak
* Added new indicators of gold change in Krut and Erak peace
* Added new public opinion gain for peace with Krut and Erak
* Fixed bug with amount of gold in Krut Peace being 20x bigger than promised
**BANDIT DIPLOMACY (4 features)**
Tried to make bandit peace process work more like how it does for independent kingdoms!
* Added new screen for breaking diplomacy with bandits
* Added new screen for trying to make peace with bandits over -40 relation
* Added new peace system and for trying to make peace with Phenor
* Added new peace cooldown system for trying to make peace with Phenor
**GIVING LAND (4 features)**
Spruced up the giving land aspect of diplomacy a little bit.
* Added screen for trying to give your last land to your ally
* Added screen for giving territory to your ally
* Added screen for evacuating land given to your ally
* Added -1 public opinion loss for giving territory to your ally
**END OF TURN EVENTS (2 features)**
New event added for the Demon horn arifact, and a new event added to prevent player gold bypassing the limits of the games storage!
* Added new end of turn pop up event for Call of Demons event (credit Omer)
* Added new end of turn hyperinflation event for hitting 1 billion gold coins (credit 'The Wizard' and Attelso)
Tournaments now grant public opinion boosts when hosted so use them as a fun way to win the publics favour. I've also now added actually text explaining things to the tournament screen instead of it just being options!
* Added new text on tournament screen for when tournament already hosted
* Added new text for when hosting a tournament in an arena you don't own
* Added new text for when hosting a tournament in an arena you own
* Added new text for arena with commoners and 8-man tourneys unlocked
* Added new text for arena with commoners, 8, and 16-man tourneys unlocked
* Added new text for arena with all tournaments unlocked
* Fixed 16-32 man and grand tournaments still freezing if you try to set them up without the gold
* Made arena tournament options blocked options if you can't afford them
* Made commoners tournament guarenteed give +3 public opinion when hosted
* Fixed grammar issue with commoners tourney intro text
* Made Hosting an 8 man tournament grants +2 public opinion
* Made Hosting a 16 man tournament grants +3 public opinion
* Made Hosting a 32 man tournament grants +4 public opinion
* Made Hosting a grand tournament grants +5 public opinion
**NEW KINGDOM TYPES (2 features)**
A pair of new kingdom types, I'd heard of both before but assumed I already had them in the game, Now I do!
* Added new kingdom type 'Voivodship' ruled by 'Voivode' with 'Knyaz' lords (civ level 2+)
* Added new kingdom type 'Despotate' ruled by 'Despot' with 'Lords' (civ level 3+)
**THE FIELDS OF RIHHM (8 features)**
The sorry old fields of Rihhm can now be Terraformed if you have the Terraformers guild, Thanks for the suggestion Fox!
* Added Ability to Terraform Rihhms farmland if you have terraformers guild (credit Fox)
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields triples trade with Rihhm
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields doubles tribute from Rihhm
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields doubles village total population capacity
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields gains up to 30 new villagers per year
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields adds new dialogues with elder
* Added Terraforming Rihhms fields maxes relation with Rihhm
* Fixed 10 textbugs in Rihhm village
Running the brawl pit is now even cooler!
* Reworked brawl pit report screen layout and added colour
* Fixed typo with brawl pit
* Fixed 13 text bugs with brawl pit reports
* Added new screen for collecting gold from brawl pit
* Fixed fighter choice screen layout in Brawl pit
**NOMAD MERCENARIES (3 features)**
Thanks to a report by TheGamingDictator the Nomad Mercs have been spruced up!
* Added new screen for hiring mercenaries from southern nomads (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added Taavak the champion of Nomads is incharge of mercenary nomads
* Added new screen for trying to hire too many nomads
**ARENA ENTRY FEE (16 features)**
There previously was no interaction, indication, or anything of you paying the gold to enter the arena, now there is, as well as a few uncommon encounters to mix it up a little bit. But the real meat of this feature is what happens if you try and enter the arena with no gold... try it out and see!
* Added new screen to pay entry fee to arena before a fight
* Added random event when paying for arena entry where it's paid for you
* Added random event when paying for arena entry where you pay half
* Added random event when paying for arena entry where you walk through and pay nothing
* Added random event for when trying to enter arena with no gold (paid for you)
* Added random event for when trying to enter arena with no gold (you slip through)
* Added random event for when trying to enter arena with no gold (speak to attendant)
* Added Gordeth the ticket attendant
* Added ability to be let in for free by Gordeth
* Added ability to ask Gordeth about himself
* Added ability to DEMAND TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER (Karen option)
* Added dynamic response from Gordeth depending on how many times you've done this
* Added dynamic response from management depending on how many times you've done this
* Added chance of public opinion loss for how you deal with Gordeth and the management
* Added new option instead of watch the fight when you can't afford it
* Blocked option to bet on a fight when you can't afford it
You've got a giant gleaming empire, gold pouring out of every orifice, and a massive road paved with gold... but pesky peasants pick it clean every year... no longer with the guardians of the gold road!
* Reworked prison laws screen in laws to be crime laws
* Added extra 5th crime law 'gold road guardians'
* Added ability to pay mercenaries 1000 gold per turn to protect your gold road and prevent it from being broken down
**WITCHER REFERENCES (3 features)**
The odds of the name a bard uses in the throne room being Jaskier or Dandelion is pretty rare, but if it occurs then the bard is spawned as the highest possible skill level!
* Added new human name 'Jaskier' (Credit Cat)
* Added new human name 'Dandelion' (Credit Cat)
* Added if throne room bard gets name 'Jaskier' or 'Dandelion' he spawns with the highest skill level (Credit Cat)
**DEMIGOD FACES (1 feature)**
There are more than 10x the entire human race worth of new demigod faces, good luck seeing them all! :)
* Added 98,871,645,600 demigod faces (98 billion)
**NEW NAMES (3 features)**
* Added 3 new ent names (made from turning some human names backwards)
* Added 2 new goblin names (made from turning some human names backwards)
* Added 22 new human names (made from turning some human names backwards)
**COAST IMPROVEMENTS (3 features)**
Visited the south coast and noticed a few issues and opportunities!
* Added new character Kanaraan to the Nalli trade post
* Added new screen for enacting or cancelling trade with Nalli
* Added 7 unique dialogues with Kanaraan
**BUGFIXES (36 features)**
Yet another mountain of bugfixes, thanks gamingdictator, darrthscorrp, and Taukki for the ones you helped with!
* Fixed issue with 4th merc group not being effected by merc rest hall first upgrade
* Fixed 6 text bugs in Garralds city tours
* Fixed hatmakers emporium in garralds tours blocked if ascii disabled
* Fixed wrong text displayed for non forced hats law in garralds tour
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Blackmarket gambling den
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Blackmarket bandit recruitment screens
* Fixed incorrect gold text popup when cancelling merc contract
* Fixed missing line in throne room encounter +100 gold
* Fixed might armies text bug in vassal code
* Fixed bug with diplomat execution during vassalisation not happening right
* Fixed issue with missing diplomat text in diplomacy
* Fixed broken screen for witches blessing in throne room
* Fixed backing out of vassal attempt menu loses chance of vassilisation for that turn (Credit darrthscorrp)
* Fixed issue with diplomat killed text colour
* Fixed choosing who is allowed in throne room rabble option colours the exit and entry options below (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed hiring merc group in throne room giving price -1 soldier (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed freeing slaves disables sounds (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed no gold missing indicator for old woman throne room encounter (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed buying chaos orb in throne room no gold loss indicator (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed text issue with freeing slaves missing punctuation (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed thickblood bandits refered to as prisoners when buying them (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed refusing to hire bandit unit having no reaction (now uses default peasant rejected texts)
* Fixed current gold bar on some screens reporting 1 gold coins instead of coin
* Fixed duplicate pause in tall green man encounter
* Fixed colour issue with guy gives you gold winnings entering fighters district of blackmarket
* Fixed issue with missing lines on victory screen when destroying erak and krut
* Fixed Wise races having no faces
* Fixed issue with explorer arrested text
* Fixed building ruined fort in the north doesn't clear the screen
* Fixed issue with king reference in old croll tutorial (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed typo with diplomacy tutorial (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed market soldier wages amount added to total expense gold doubled
* Fixed issue with arena tourney roster rule typo (credit u/taukki)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in artifact market
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Rall harbour master dialogues
* Fixed 40 text and line split bugs in Shaian
**EVERYTHING ELSE (16 features)**
A pile of uncategorised changes and stuff!
* Added code to disband merc groups even with Merc rest hall if they aren't your mercs and you're demon king (credit u/Buckzor112)
* Made vassal diplomat emissary text dynamic (instead of showing highest odds of success for unskilled diplomat, the success indicator now matches the skill)
* Added new indicator of gold loss when buying thickblood tavern
* Added new indicator of gold loss when buying brawl pit
* Added new screen and graphic for paying for fort ruin in north to be rebuilt
* Shortened unskilled diplomat prompts
* Added new screen for xenophobic diplomacy blocker
* Made knight paying respect count as rabble for the throne room filter (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new text for current gold bar if you have 0 gold
* Added new emergency message for having less than 0 gold in current gold bar
* Added march sound effect to getting minor bandit group to join you as bandit king
* Added current gold display on explorer selling location throne room encounter
* Added a screen for when touching the gift tree and getting gold
* Made your current gold visible when visiting artifact shops in the artifact market
* Added new screen for having no knight to send up Saaroth
* Added new screen for having no knight to send down the canyon
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
More posts
- Where to find Warsim Devlogs!Nov 07, 2024
- Warsim 9th Anniversary!Mar 22, 2024
- New update live 1.1.3Feb 08, 2024
- Warsim 1.0.8 (THE LANDS BEYOND EXPANDED - Moar to explore)Oct 16, 2023
- Delving the Lands Beyond - Exploring Warsim's new random exploration systemSep 06, 2023
- Warsim 1.0.7 (THE LANDS BEYOND - Infinite Exploration Update)Sep 03, 2023
- 'The Lands Beyond' Update - Progress Update #2Aug 11, 2023
- 'The Lands Beyond' - Random Exploration Update Coming Soon!Aug 01, 2023
- Warsim 1.0.5 (Necromancy, Year Change events, Seshgoblinz and more)May 27, 2023
- Been working on some Necromancy features recently, here's a sneak peak at resurr...May 16, 2023
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When I think how many features your game already had when I first purchased it on Steam some years ago. It already was a very well fleshed out game back then... but you relentlessly and tirelessly add more and more features almost on a weekly basis and constantly enhance and improve the game. I don't know another developer with such an almost Herculean dedication and work ethics. It's a pleasure following your project!
Thanks for the amazingly kind words Athanasius, I really appreciate it!
Gonna keep working on this game until it's the best it can possibly be :)