Warsim (The Quality of Life Update, 119 features)
Hey Everyone,
The last week and a half has been amazing, since the Overwhelmingly Positive update we've had a ton of new amazing reviews and nearly 1000 new Warsim players! To everyone new, Welcome :)
This update is a pretty broad one, lots of little fixes and quality of life additions. I'm still working through a mix of bug reports and backlogged suggestions while also working through the combat update plans.
For a long time certain name suffixes have been able to have addons added to them 'Garbald the Sad' could also be 'Garbald the Sad Knight' or 'Garbald the Sad Raider' modified by Warsim's in-game suffix add on system. Unlike adding new name suffixes, adding new suffix addons was a harder process done only within the games code. I set out to completely replace that system and have it fully moddable and accessible just like the suffix system is, so now in a new text file called 'Name Suffix Addon.txt' in the main Warsim Data folder you can find all of the possible addons followed by the battlescore bonus they provide. While expanding this system I added a ton of new addon parts which has led to over a quarter of a million new possible random name suffix combinations. You'll see these as hirable champions, staff members, enemy rulers etc. This system is even more exciting for me because unlike the 3000ish current name suffixes, all of these will be random and unpredictable combinations that will even catch me offguard. Being caught offguard with random content in a game I've spent 5 years making and know like the back of my hand is always a bonus!
* Added new moddable system for name suffix addons
* Added 265 new name suffix addons (was 57 now 322 total) (With 1199 total modifiable name suffixes this means there are 386'078 possible random name suffix combinations now)
* Made name suffix addon system 2x more likely to be used when generating names
MILITIA GROWTH (2 features)
A good point was made on our discord by Paul-2020 about not being able to see Militia unit growth, I've now added mention of it to the end of turn report.
* Added ability to see how many peasants have joined the milita each year in end of turn report (credit Paul-2020)
* Added alternate text for militia recruiting a single peasant in end of turn report
Some new titles for kingdoms and their rulers and lords that can spawn in your world, thanks for the suggestions guys!
* Added 2 new rare king titles 'The Sleeping God' and 'The Dead God' 1 in 1000 chance of appearing as a king title (credit Pathfinder)
* Added new kingdom type 'Pact' with ruler 'Grand Master' and lord 'Pact Maker' avaialble for civ level 3 and above (credit Pathfinder)
* Added new kingdom type 'Alliance' with ruler 'Overseer' and lord 'Guardian' avaialble for civ level 4 and above (credit Pathfinder)
* Added new kingdom type 'Tyranny' with ruler 'Tyrant' and lord 'Underling' avaialble for civ level 3 and above (credit 5HO)
* Added new kingdom type 'Cult' with ruler 'Great One' and lord 'Worshipper' available for civ level 3 and above (credit Pathfinder)
A few fixes to the games text and now a much better option to forfeit the game with it's own screen, thanks Prof Nonagon for pointing it out!
* Fixed 10 text bugs in sudden death game text
* Added indicators of gold changed and gained for opponent when winning and losing sudden death
* Added new screen for forfeiting sudden death game
* Fixed forfeiting sudden death game made the bet money disappear (credit Prof Nonagon)
A couple of improvements to the attack screen where you choose who to fight, including the ability to now change your mind and attack someone else or no one.
* Added ability to back out of an attack in the raid/invade/skirmish screen of main combat (credit Vlyn)
* Fixed bug with trying to attack nonexistent undead horde skipping your turn in combat
* Fixed bug with trying to attack goblin horde when not active skipping your turn in combat
* Fixed combat phase skipping bug
* Removed redundant error messages for attacking dead factions in combat screen
I'm not talking about .com's here, there's a rare chance that a kingdom of gnomes could end up being called "Dibble's Domain" however this system was bugged and resulted in a lot of these 'Domain' names not coming out as intended. After a surpring number of 'fixes' not actually fixing it I managed to get it all sorted. I don't see these names too often in game as there's a 1 in 60 odds of them appearing in the 5 kingdoms you get per game. I've decided to make it a much higher 1 in 6 odds so you'll be seeing these a little more often.
* Fixed issue with 'domain' based kingdom names generating brokenly ie "'s Domain"
* Made domain based names 10x more common
When vieiwing the troop tree of independent kingdoms you will now be able to compare them with your own and see more information.
* Reworked troop tree screen in independent kingdom diplomacy
* Added the option to compare your default 3 troop tiers with independent kingdoms in diplomacy (u/videovillain)
* Added colour changing breakdown depending on if troops in the same tier are greater, worse, or the same as eachother
GOLD INDICATORS (8 features)
Several locations that didn't have indicators of your total gold now have them, cheers TJ!
* Added gold indicator to helmsmith (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to elixir needed throne room encounter (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to joke response throne room screen (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to hiring throne room bard (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to hiring throne room jester (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to blue man in blue house aftermath screen (Credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to grand champion main screen (Credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to combat academy main screen
BUGFIXES (65 features)
A big pile of bugfixes again, as usual mostly thanks to TJ and other player reports, thank you guys!
* Fixed 3 text bugs in demon ending final option screen
* Fixed 9 text bugs on overlords arrival in the realm
* Fixed 4 text bugs in final demon ending screen
* Fixed Smallhaven sounds not ending if player has music disabled and leaves the village (credit 71)
* Fixed issue with 3 prospective stewards for hire cost showing only first steward for hires price in the option (credit u/alexwilson)
* Fixed missing screen for giving slaves or peasants to vampires at Baiaa intro
* Fixed missing screen for offering gold for entry to Baiaa
* Fixed missing screen for attacking Baiaa at entry
* Fixed monfort mine prospecting success doesn't reopen the mine (credit Walker)
* Fixed 6 text bugs with Blackmarket Crier throne room encounter
* Fixed 12 text bugs with tournament bet success screens (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Animal Fight Pit capture screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with animal fight pit owned text (credit TJ)
* Fixed 'You brings you over a nice ale' text bug in Nairo's party (Credit BlindIRL)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with fort rule change in owned forts (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Fort Northwatch purchase screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in hiring hero to rule Northwatch (credit TJ)
* Fixed 6 text bugs with offer to buy Northwatch screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed text colour issues for Grand Galleon text (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Monument of Kings main screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Monument of Kings destruction screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed Missing line in monument of kings screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Monument of Kings ruins screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Krut, Erak, Rebels, and Bandit Horde ruling Monfort Mine main screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed bugged screen appearing if you hire 0 knights from the order (credit TJ)
* Fixed 7 text bugs in Northern Hall intro screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Historian's guild intro (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Century fest celebratory Historian's Guild Intro (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Noreg's Western History introduction (credit TJ)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Noreg's Denland breakdown (credit TJ)
* Fixed 12 text bugs in Noreg's Songwood breakdown (credit TJ)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Noreg's Wildwood breakdown (credit TJ)
* Fixed 11 text bugs in Noreg's Darkmarsh breakdown (credit TJ)
* Fixed 12 text bugs in Noreg's second lesson introduction (credit TJ)
* Fixed 14 text bugs in Noreg's second lesson (credit TJ)
* Fixed 9 text bugs in Noreg's breakdown of the western empires rivals (credit TJ)
* Fixed 12 text bugs in Noreg's introduction to the Northern Clans (credit TJ)
* Fixed 15 text bugs in Noreg's north west war introduction (credit TJ)
* Fixed Currently fighting rebellion being shown in knight order hall when fighting bandit horde (Credit TheBlindSaiyan)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Noreg's third lesson introduction (credit TJ)
* Fixed 26 text bugs in Noreg's Third lesson (credit TJ)
* Fixed 32 text bugs in Noreg's Fourth lesson (credit TJ)
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Orcish Grunter bard in throne room (credit TJ)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in musicians guild bard origin story text (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in throne room bard name reveal screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in repeatedly asking a bard names in throne room screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Undead Horde defeat screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with heroic tale spread end of turn event (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with bandit horde merge meeting end of turn event (credit TJ)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Baiaa battle introduction (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Upper District of Baiaa ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in ruins of the Shadow Council of Baiaa screen (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug in Nasarak House ruins in Baiaa (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug in Lemour House ruins in Baiaa (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug in Damar House ruins in Baiaa (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug in Dengeir House ruins in Baiaa (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Shadow District of Baiaa ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed missing text for Shadow District ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in ruins of the Shade's Bloom Tavern in Baiaa (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in the Bloodworks ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in the Bloodforge ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug in Thundil Tavern ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Lower District of Baiaa ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed missing text for Lower Distrcit ruins (credit TJ)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Blood Pits of Baiaa (credit TJ)
EVERYTHING ELSE (22 feature)
A ton of new tweaks and additions here that couldn't be put anywhere else. Including 42 new kingdom names, a new sound effect, a new random event when exploring and lots more.
* Added chance to discover barren land while exploring the realm (credit Le Machinga & TJ)
* Added the ability to free slaves and slave soldiers from other laws screen (Credit LeMachinga)
* Added new sound effect for taking Mushrooms (credit ERH)
* Added 42 new kingdom names 'Daskin, Deathhold, Deadguard, Jarnhold, Jomorica, Ithldaar, Zandoth, Piliv, Nilmar, Killdor, Korkovia, Norgrod, Grivania, Narkold, Morik, Nafkar, Rhefaria, Zhekovia, Bondaria, Shandaria, Yanerth, Yaneth, Dreolara, Drurn, Treon, Baeneth, Zeira, Zeiria, Zagneron, Duna, Honkoria, Koria, Stroth, Lorehold, Etania, Marth, Cyrnios, Yosson, Riveran, Lelantis, Varth, Thagua, Niri'
* Added 13 new human names 'Gelt, Gelthar, Gekle, Gelthor, Gelrik, Gelnan, Gelrolf, Gelth, Vlyn, Vlynt, Vlyntar, Vlyr, Vlyrgo'
* Added new option to request re-entry to goblinwood when banished if you have unbanned goblin slavery (credit Dorkmancer)
* Added new tracker of total battlescore of all units to the view troop count screen (credit Vlyn)
* Added new tracker of total battlescore of alL additional units to the view troop count screen (credit Vlyn)
* Reworked throne room jester hire text to clarify the gold fee is per year
* Reworked throne room bard hire text to clarify the gold fee is per year
* Added Baiaa tag to Big Red Canyon if Baiaa is discovered (credit TJ)
* Added -4 public opinion drop for destroying the gnome village (Credit TJ)
* Added new loot item gained when destroying musicians guild (Credit TJ)
* Made it so that you cannot summon gnome insult warrior entertainers to the throne room if the gnome village is destroyed (credit TJ)
* Made it so that putting the orb in the mad man's wall prevents bandits from retaking the Blackmarket from you (credit TJ)
* Added if no recruitment law active militia recruit up to +3 peasants per land you have (credit TJ)
* Made it so Slum gold collector appears in throne room 3x more if public opinion is high but much less the lower public opinion is (Credit TJ)
* Changed requirements for Koova's Warning throne room encounter from between 900-1000 demon horde demons to between 750-1499 (credit TJ)
* Made banning goblin slavery cancel Goblin Scourge if active (credit TJ)
* Made it so you cannot enact goblin scourge while goblin slavery is banned (credit TJ)
* Increased Arena Gladiator battlescore from 145 to 155
* Rewrote Nasarak House ruins text to clear up and explain the lack of visible ruins (Credit TJ)
So I've recently fixed a big bug with my current combat update prototype, I'm now going to be looking to move forward and get more progress on the other events and mechanics of the new combat stuff in the background. At the same time I'm going to keep on top of bug reports and try and continue pumping out updates.
Cheers and hope everyone is doing good
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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Seriously man: do you ever sleep? It's a conundrum for me how you manage to bring out all these massive updates again and again and enhance your game further. And it's utterly incredible for me how tirelessly and constantly motivated you work on this unique game for years now. Without any doubt you are the most dedicated developer I've ever encountered.
Haha that was lovely to read, thanks mate!
It's hard work for sure but it's so much easier and more motivating when I get constant positive feedback (exactly like your wonderful comment) and can financially support myself doing it. It's a dream and I'm humbled to be able to do this and plan to keep going for as long as is needed to get Warsim completely done.
Thanks again mate <3