Warsim (The Birthday Update, 260 features)
Hey Everyone,
So tomorrow (monday) is my 26th Birthday. A few weeks ago in preparation for this I figured it would be nice if I did a little 26 feature update to celebrate, but ended up instead aiming for 260 features, which has had been a ton of work. I decided to focus the main effort of the update on the complete rework of the second region of the Eastern lands, known as the Lost Jungle. Until now in my opinion it's one of the worst regions for having basically nothing worth doing there, so I've tried to change that.
The crowning gem of the region are the up to two villages of Protofolk (cavemen) people who can occupy the region. These randomly generated tribes can be made up many different types that all have different effects and functions. You may find a tribe of hostile Protofolk who battle monsters in a central monster pit, or a tribe of dumb Protofolk who paint everything blue... Or maybe no tribes at all, just ruins.
* Added chance of 2 randomly generated protofolk tribes spawning in the region in conflict with eachother
* Added chance of single randomly generated protofolk tribe spawning in the region
* Added chance of two tribal village ruins spawning in the region (5 different ruin types)
* Added Blue village type (everything is blue, including the inhabitants)
* Added Warlike village type (aggressive and armed)
* Added Monster village type (monster pit and lots of monsters kept as pets)
* Added Explorer village type (lots of exploration and external objects)
* Added Fire village type (lots of fires and burning)
* Added ability to give bluetrii fruit to blue type tribe for entry
* Added village leader personality type 'Hostile' (will be aggressive and attack you if you try to enter the village)
* Added village leader personality type 'Curious' (will be friendly and inquisitivE)
* Added village leader personality type 'Stupid' (will react stupidly)
* Added village leader personality type 'Scared' (will hide from you)
* Added village leader personality type 'Strange' (will do some... strange things)
* Added ability to attack the protofolk villages (if victorious +1 loot item)
* Added 5 different introduction interactions with leaders of villages
* Added visitable Chief's Hut with 5 different graphical layouts depending on village type
* Added 35 different possible dialogues with village elder depending on village type
* Added fire pit location in village
* Added giant fire pit location in fire villages
* Added 10 dialogues for villagers of fire tribes
* Added 10 dialogues for villagers of explorer tribes
* Added 10 dialogues for villagers of blue tribes
* Added 10 dialogues for villagers of warlike tribes
* Added 10 dialogues for villagers of monster tribes
* Added Chimchogre statue location in village
* Added Blue Chimchogre statue variant in blue villages
* Added Blue statue location in blue villages
* Added Blue Dye pit location in blue villages
* Added Forbidden pile location in blue villages
* Added Pile of sharp sticks location in warlike village
* Added Skull pile location in warlike village
* Added Wardrum location in warlike village
* Added Fire Hole location in fire village
* Added Pile of wood location in fire village
* Added Flaming Totem location in fire village
* Added Monster Pit (with watchable monster fights) location in monster village
* Added Monster cages location in monster village
* Added Broken Monster Cage location in monster village
* Added Hut of smart location in explorer village
* Added Region map wall in explorer village
* Added Special Object Pile location in explorer village
* Added Big Brain tribe member with 6 dialogues
* Added 20 new protofolk names
The Protofolk aren't the only living things in the region, meet the Chimchogres, a bunch of Chinchilla-like Ogres who are worshipped as gods and who have a treasure for any who can answer their riddles.
* Added new location Chimchogre caverns
* Added Chimchogre introduction if there is at least one Protofolk tribe alive in the region
* Added alternate introduction if there are no protofolk tribes in the region
* Added the ability to sacrifice slaves or peasants to meet them if they aren't there
* Added Chimchogre riddle minigame
* Added Trove of randomly generated loot items if riddles done correctly
* Added ability to attack Chimchogres
* Added ability to take on both Chimchogres as champions if riddles done correctly
* Added ability to poke Chimchogre champions in your staff and champions screen if hired
* Added screen for visiting Chimchogre caverns after losing the riddle minigame
* Added screen for visiting Chimchogre caverns after attacking the Chimchogres
* Added screen for visiting Chimchogre caverns after hiring the chimchogres
* Added screen for visiting Chimchogre caverns after beating the riddle but not hiring the chimchogres
JUNGLE TOTEM (2 features)
Replacing some empty random crap that sat in the same slot, the Jungle totem is a new location with an interesting event when visited.
* Added new location Jungle totem
* Added unique event when visiting Jungle totem
The Starmetal meteorite used to be a static visitable location, but now if you have the right tools you can mine it up and use it for a number of different things!
* Added the ability to mine Starmetal Meteorite if you have the better mining tools kingdom upgrade
* Added ability to sell mined Starmetal for 20k gold
* Added ability to turn mined Starmetal into special armour that gives one of your champions +300 battlescore
* Added ability to turn mined Starmetal into a horrible statue that gives 1/2 chance of -1 public opinion per year
* Added ability to turn mined Starmetal into a great statue that gives 1/2 chance of +1 public opinion per year
* Added ability to revisit the crater left by the meteorite if you mine and sell/turn to armour to the starmetal
* Added ability to revisit horrible statue anytime as it replaces Meteor
* Added ability to revisit great statue anytime as it replaces Meteor
TRAP FILLED CAVERN (15 features)
No one knows who set the traps, but the trap filled cavern is crawling with loot waiting to be plucked out by your brave explorers, just expect a few less explorers by the end of it.
* Added new location 'Trap filled cavern'
* Added ability to send peasants to explore trap filled cavern (1/6 odds of success)
* Added ability to send soldiers to explore trap filled cavern (1/3 odds of success)
* Added ability to send knights to explore trap filled cavern (2/3 odds of success)
* Added squashing wall trap outcome
* Added dart volley wall outcome
* Added axe trap outcome
* Added blade wall outcome
* Added lucky explorer outcome
* Added obvious trap outcome
* Added close call outcome
* Added many triggers outcome
* Added near death outcome
* Added screen for empty trap filled cavern
* Added random number of loot items available in trap filled cavern from game start
The jungle temple, for any who previously discovered it, was an unfinished puzzle that didn't work and led to a number of people trying to solve it (sorry guys). I've now reworked everything and made a new solvable puzzle with an interesting set of rewards, good luck!
* Added 2 new rooms to the jungle temple
* Reworked the jungle temple graphic and layout
* Added new poem to central jungle temple room
* Added secret puzzle to the jungle temple
* Added hidden room unlocked if puzzle done correctly
* Added second little puzzle to secret room
* Added special sequence if second puzzle is completed
* Added reward if second puzzle is completed
* Added new giant object unlocked in Lost Jungle region if certain things happen
OLD IMPERIAL RUIN (5 features)
The Lost Jungle was said to be hold the ruins of an old empire within but previously only held an Old Pillair, now there's a visitable ruin with a number of locations to see.
* Added new location 'Old Imperial Ruin' with several internal locations to explore
* Added reworked version of the Old Pillar inside the Old Imperial Ruin
* Added Ruined Statue to the Old Imperial Ruin
* Added Ruined Tower to the Old Imperial Ruin
* Added Strange Carving to the Old Imperial Ruin
Beyond the Lost Jungle there were also plenty of bug fixes, new features, and new content to get us to that big old 260 number, so here they are.
Warsim discord member LeMachinga sent in a very interesting set of redesign concepts for the current Mushroom men face generator. I looked over them and compared and his version was in my opinion, better than the default. So I set out to rework the mushroom faces to fit his design, and in the process beefed up the generator to have an extra 1.44 billion new faces. As a thanks for his contribution to the mushroom men design, one of the random possible mushroom man character names is Mushinga, a reference to LeMachinga. Thanks mate! :)
* Redesigned mushroom men faces based on LeMachinga's version of them (credit LeMachinga)
* Added 1.44 billion new mushroom men faces (was 1.63 billion, now 3.07 billion)
* Added new mushroom man name 'Mushinga' (reference to LeMachinga)
After a discord discussion between LeMachinga and LeechGirl the idea to allow a maximum number of visitors to the throne room was raised. It's a great suggestion and adds to our recent option to send away a custom number of visitors. Now players can set any limit they want and each year if the number of visitors exceeds this they will be sent away.
* Added new ability to set a maximum limit of visitors to the throne room (credit LeMachinga)
* Added screen for setting a maximum visitor limit higher than current visitors resulting in some being kicked out
* Relabelled the '4) Send away some or all of the throne room visitors' to '4) Manage the number of visitors' to fit better
I always think there can't be more places to spend money that don't have an indicator of how much gold you have, and every day TJ proves otherwise.
* Added gold indicator to Thickblood Tavern owner dialogue screen (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Blackmarket Bandit Houses diplomacy menu
* Added gold indicator to Rebels Diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Bandit Horde diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Krut Diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Erak Diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Minor Bandit Gang Diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Deserters diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Outlaw pest group diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Slave Revolt Diplomacy (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to knight anointing screen (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Naraan pearl picker poem screen (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Foreign merc hire screen (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Merc hire menu (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to Demon Summoner (credit TJ)
* Added gold indicator to monster trainer hire screen (credit TJ)
A great suggestion by TJ, Now if you have the Slave Training Pen kingdom upgrade they will be able to turn Slave Soldiers into Slaves. Previously you could only do it the other way around but now if you want to convert the force entirely to units that help with the farming rather than your army, you can.
* Added ability to convert slave soldiers into slaves using the slave pen upgrade (credit TJ)
Another bunch of suffixes that can be randomised, each of these can have 322 extra modifiers on them. With our 37 new name suffixes and 322 modifiers that means there are 11914 new proc gen name suffixes possible!
* Added new name suffix 'the Awakened' (+13 battlescore) (Credit General Wrangel)
* Added new name suffix 'the Nervous' (-3 battlescore) (Credit General Wrangel)
* Added new name suffix 'the Spiritual' (+2 battlescore) (Credit General Wrangel)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mushroom' (+5 battlescore) (Credit General Wrangel)
* Added new name suffix 'the Scarlet' (+6 battlescore) (Credit General Wrangel)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unwavering' (+18 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wavering' (-3 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Miser' (-1 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ascetic' (+5 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Porky' (-6 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Podgy' (-4 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Hefty' (+5 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Thin-Boned' (-2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Flimsy' (-5 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Insubstantial' (-2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lanky' (+4 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Meager' (-2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Shrivelled' (-7 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Atrophied' (-11 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wizened' (+7 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Withered' (-9 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Foul-Smelling' (+1 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Discourteous' (+1 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unsightly' (+2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Spiteful' (-1 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Heinous' (+1 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cynic' (-2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Shocked' (-3 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Encumbered' (-2 battlescore) (Credit fatalweirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cow' (+2 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Goose' (+1 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bleeding' (-6 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Chicken' (+2 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cross-eyed' (-3 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Imposter' (-2 battlescore) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mudblood' (No battlescore change) (Credit Pathfinder)
* Made 'the Repugnant' name suffix able to be expanded on
NEW LOOT (52 features)
With all the new locations where you can get loot, why not add another huge trove of it to keep things ever fresh!
* Added 'a mercury filled crystal sphere' random loot item (worth 170 gold)
* Added 'a gold line sphere marked with the borders of distant realm' random loot item (worth 120 gold)
* Added 'a tiny spear made by an unknown people' random loot item (worth 50 gold)
* Added 'a rusty arrow' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a silver arrow' random loot item (worth 30 gold)
* Added 'a melted arrow' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a crystal arrow' random loot item (worth 45 gold)
* Added 'a mouldy wooden arrow' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a wooden practice arrow' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a poison tipped silver arrow' random loot item (worth 41 gold)
* Added 'an iron arrow' random loot item (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'a gold arrow' random loot item (worth 60 gold)
* Added 'a diamond arrow' random loot item (worth 85 gold)
* Added 'a cursed arrow' random loot item (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'an old tome written in a lost language' random loot item (worth 55 gold)
* Added 'a rusty iron helm' random loot item (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'a rusty iron horned helm' random loot item (worth 6 gold)
* Added 'a masterwork iron helm' random loot item (worth 45 gold)
* Added 'a steel helm' random loot item (worth 40 gold)
* Added 'a masterwork steel helm' random loot item (worth 120 gold)
* Added 'a steel helm adorned with strange symbols' random loot item (worth 115 gold)
* Added 'a steel helm in the shape of a lion's head' random loot item (worth 105 gold)
* Added 'a steel helm with dragon wings protruding from the side' random loot item (worth 110 gold)
* Added 'a strange red stone that seems to be beating like a heart' random loot item (worth 60 gold)
* Added 'a skull with 7 horns growing out of it' random loot item (worth 140 gold)
* Added 'a pile of musty smelling clothing rags' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a soiled rag shirt' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a soiled pair of breeches' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a pair of silk gloves with skulls embroidered into the knuckles' random loot item (worth 75 gold)
* Added 'a helm made from clam shells' random loot item (worth 50 gold)
* Added 'a steel helm with antlers mounted atop it' random loot item (worth 85 gold)
* Added 'a jar of powderred moths' random loot item (worth 12 gold)
* Added 'a jar of moth wings' random loot item (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'a single harpies wing' random loot item (worth 75 gold)
* Added 'a jar of butterfly wings' random loot item (worth 17 gold)
* Added 'a jar of dragonfly wings' random loot item (worth 16 gold)
* Added 'a helmet adorned with 4 boar tusks' random loot item (worth 80 gold)
* Added 'a wooden bowl with a smiling face carved into it' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a wooden bowl with a sword and shield carved into it' random loot item (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'a rusty pitchfork' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a bent pitchfork' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a jewel encrusted pitchfork' random loot item (worth 95 gold)
* Added 'a fine bronze torc' random loot item (worth 22 gold)
* Added 'a masterwork bronze torc' random loot item (worth 55 gold)
* Added 'a broken axe head' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a broken steel blade handle' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a broken iron blade handle' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a severed giant's hand' random loot item (worth 120 gold)
* Added 'a steel helmet with a mushroom growing out of the top' random loot item (worth 49 gold)
* Added 'a skull with an arrow in it' random loot item (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'a fingersized iron blade' random loot item (worth 30 gold)
* Added 'a solid gold piece of cake' random loot item (worth 180 gold) (credit Cat)
Another bunch of possible origin stories for the heroes and champions of your world!
* Added 'Bear cave' hero origin story (credit Cat)
* Added 'Taunting pirates' hero origin story
* Added 'Monk' hero origin story
* Added 'Arena regular' hero origin story
* Added 'Scrubbing' hero origin story
BUGFIXES (30 features)
Always more bugs... there are always more bugs... at least these are fixed.
* Fixed cannot leave merc group resettle screen unless you give land to all groups (Credit u/Smilge)
* Fixed custom public opinon report showing references to pillage report instead of public opinion (Credit Grimes)
* Fixed no longer accurate demon advice from diplomat (Credit Grimes)
* Fixed issue with royal bank loan repayed but still showing interest gain each year (Credit u/Llevus and u/Darkmark8910)
* Fixed bug with 'Pole Militia' name suffix
* Fixed bug with 'Pole Militia' mercenary and bandit unit type
* Fixed missing line when refusing to hang peasants in diplomacy with weird personality kingdom rulers
* Fixed Text bug in third year history guild intro (credit TJ)
* Fixed 19 text bugs in third year of history lesson one (credit TJ)
* Fixed 37 Text bugs in third year of history lesson two (credit TJ)
* Fixed 40 Text bugs in third year of history lesson three (credit TJ)
* Fixed 45 Text bugs in third year of history lesson four (credit TJ)
* Fixed almighty dung throne room letter text bug
* Fixed dying and reloading setting throne room visitors to -1 (credit i720rebelz)
* Fixed the stole item drunk aftermath text bug
* Fixed incorrect title reference in the stop this madness event (Credit beetlebootboot)
* Fixed text bug in waking up with an item drunk aftermath
* Fixed text bug in merc group attack option text
* Fixed not being able to attack slave revolt with a merc group (Credit CorvoJavidan)
* Fixed text bug in Swordsman's Companion sword view screen options (credit u/MAXLARD)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in generic exploration screens
* Fixed text bug with slaver fort walls upgrade (credit TJ)
* Fixed text bug with prison upgrade screen showing 2000 max prisoners instead of 1500 (credit TheBlindSaiyan)
* Fixed Harlaw mining troops not going to Smallhaven when mine is bought (credit TJ)
* Fixed Blackmarket Central district mercenaries hire not reducing number of mercs for hire, but instead reducing prisoners (credit TJ)
* Fixed attacking Blackmarket after refusing rock paper scissors not working (credit TJ)
* Fixed issue with banning spiked knuckles in brawl pit (credit TJ)
* Fixed 11 text bugs with Goblin dancer text (Credit TJ)
* Fixed 9 text bugs with final year of history guild intro (Credit TJ)
* Fixed 59 text bugs in final year of history guild classes (Credit TJ)
* Fixed Ozymandias statue graphic bug
EVERYTHING ELSE (16 feature)
All the loose stuff I couldn't fit anywhere else.
* Having goblin celebration active now stops peasants complaining about goblins throne room encounters (credit Leechgirl)
* Added 40 new name suffix addons (these new 40 will turn the current 1190 moddable prefixes into 47.6k new possibilities
* Added the ability to see how many troops in total can be hired from independent kingdoms (Credit TJ)
* Renamed 'free' race prefix for freed slave races to 'freed' (credit AlonzoMuncyRPG)
* Added indicator of the effect of the Sentinel's Obsidian Greatsword (credit etanoixev)
* Added system that once you've banned goblin slavery and received the goblin joining bonus you cannot get it again until it's reset randomly 1/10 chance per year (credit TJ)
* Added new pop up when disabling Bluetrii use before battle explaining how to turn it back on (credit u/StarSpangledDonner)
* Added unique independent kingdom diplomacy blurb if all kingdoms are dead (credit TJ)
* Added unique independent kingdom diplomacy blurb if all kingdoms are at war with you (credit TJ)
* Added unique independent kingdom diplomacy blurb if all kingdoms are allied to you (credit TJ)
* Added system to detect blank and bugged relations files and delete them to prevent crashes (credit Znander)
* Rewrote text for loading a save file without a relations file
* Added new special pre battle text for mercs attacking slave revolt
* Removed redundant code in central district merc screen
* Added indicator of units you have in rocky cave gnome cavern main screen
* Made Ozymandias statue have two screens instead of one
I'm taking a week off for my birthday (milking it I know), when I come back it'll be combat update as usual. Thank you all for being such a fantastic and supportive community. All the comments, the reviews, encouragement and support has been and still is lifechanging for me. I'm humbled to be able to survive on making this game and to take on board all the great feedback I get to make the game better than it would ever be alone. Thank you all so much, I'll see you in a week! <3
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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Happy Birthday amigo! Enjoy the rest
Thanks mate <3
Congratulations to your birthday Huw! Hope you enjoy your day and celebrate!
Thank you mate <3