Warsim (Combat Update Alpha, 313 features)
After it being worked on intermittently for nearly two years, I've finally managed to get a working combat update build ready!
I'm so damn excited to release this. This is just the alpha version of my combat update build, it's around 40-45% complete at this point but it is subject to change, and there are plans for more content and events.
Thank you everyone for the support during this, please let me know what you think!
I feel like I've probably forgotten to list them all but these are some of the more fundamental major features of the combat update.
* Added new combat system (instead of all at once, battle takes place in phases)
* Added new combat display
* Added ability to skip your own attacks and just see the results
* Added ability to always just see the results of your own attack
* Added new option for watching/skipping your own attacks to generals screen
* Added new battle approach screen with dynamic graphic based on size of the attacking army
* Added relation change with all other members if player attacks member of good or evil league
Now your skilled spymasters might be able to inform you of other fights happening in the realm, if you wish you can watch them yourself!
* Added ability for spymaster to detect enemy fights (depending on skill)
* Added ability to ask spymaster to stop offering you fights to watch
* Added new options in spymaster staff screen
POST BATTLE REPORT (21 features)
Once the battles over the game now provides much improved screens letting you know what has happened as a result of the fighting.
* Added new post battle report
* Added battle report screen with 4 options
* Added standard battle report screen
* Added ability to view report of all units lost by defender
* Added ability to view report of all units lost be attacker
* Added ability to pay 20 gold for an egghead report (lots of stats)
* Added ability to thank egghead (with screen)
* Added ability to kill egghead (with screen and aftermath)
* Added new screen for successful invasions (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for failed invasions (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for succesfully defended invasion (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for being invaded (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for successful raid (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for failed raid (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for succesfully defended raid (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for being raided (with 3 alt texts)
* Added ability to gain up to 4 random loot items when raiding any faction
* Added new screen for successful skirmish (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for failed skirmish (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for succesfully defended skirmish (with 3 alt texts)
* Added new screen for being defeated in skirmish (with 3 alt texts)
The combat update includes a new weather system which gives each battle one of many possible weathers. These weathers do a number of things, they can allow for certain weather events to take place that can help or hinder the fighters. They can also allow for bonuses or penalties to be applied to certain independent races, for example Lightning Trolls would be much stronger during a storm, but Day Elves would be weaker fighting under a crescent moon. These weather buffs also affect your own troops if they belong to any of those races.
* Added Sunny Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Sunset Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added cloudy Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Partly Cloudy Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Rain Weather (low likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Storm Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Windy Weather (low likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Foggy Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Snowy Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Night Rain Weather (low likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Night Full Moon Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Night Cloudy Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Night Crescent Moon Weather (No weather events during battle)
* Added Night Snow Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Night Storm Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Night Windy Weather (low likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Night Foggy Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Acid Rain Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Luminous Fog Weather (moderate likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Meteor Shower Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Sandstorm Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Flaming Rain Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Extreme Heat Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Extreme Cold Weather (high likelihood of weather events during battle)
* Added Rare Rainbow Rain Weather (low likelihood of weather events during battle)
Depending on how severe a weather type is, random weather events can take place. These can vary from fairly light situations to things that can wipe out entire armies!
* (Rainbow Rain) Battle halted by perfect moment
* (Rainbow Rain) Heavy rain causing awe
* (Extreme Heat) Fire tornado (2700-13700 random damage)
* (Extreme Heat) Huge heatwave rolls through (high scaled damage)
* (Extreme Heat) Under intense head fighters fall back
* (Extreme Heat) Heat intensity causes some to pass out
* (Extreme Heat) Flames pop up across the battlefield (500-2500 random damage)
* (Extreme Heat) Spontaneous combustion (moderate scaled damage)
* (Extreme Cold) Huge gust of extremely cold wind Hits Attackers (1400-7000 damage)
* (Extreme Cold) Huge gust of extremely cold wind Hits Defenders (1400-7000 damage)
* (Extreme Cold) Intense cold causes the fighting to momentarily stop
* (Extreme Cold) A bitter wind swoop forces the armies to regroup
* (Extreme Cold) Bitter wind sweep across battlefield (1500-6500 random damage)
* (Extreme Cold) Freezing wind sweeps the battlefield and freezes some (huge scaled damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain hit's the battlefield heavier (high scaled damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain scorches the battlefield (high scaled damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain turns the battlefield to hell (huge scaled damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain hammers the side of the field held by defender (500-6000 damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain hammers the side of the field held by attacker (500-6000 damage)
* (Flaming Rain) Flaming rain pelts down heavy (huge scaled damage)
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm turns and hits defender side of the battlefield (1400-6900 damage)
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm turns and hits attacker side of the battlefield (1400-6900 damage)
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm calms for a moment
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm whips up sand so high it blots the sun (huge scaled damage)
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm burries a portion of the battlefield (huge scaled damage)
* (Sandstorm) Sandstorm rages on and many take cover (250-2250 random damage)
* (Meteor Shower) Meteors crash around but miss everyone
* (Meteor Shower) Large meteor crashes but misses everyone
* (Meteor Shower) Large meteor crashes down on defenders side (1400-6900 damage)
* (Meteor Shower) Large meteor crashes down on attackers side (1400-6900 damage)
* (Meteor Shower) Meteors crash all over (2050-8050 random damage)
* (Meteor Shower) Huge meteor crashes (3050-15050 random damage)
* (Luminous Fog) Fighting stops as glowing fog is too thick
* (Luminous Fog) Some Attackers are caught off guard while mesmerised (random scaled damage)
* (Luminous Fog) Some Defenders are caught off guard while mesmerised (random scaled damage)
* (Luminous Fog) (If Glowing Race Defending) Defenders disappear into the glowing fog and leave the opponents confused
* (Luminous Fog) (If Glowing Race Attacking) Attackers disappear into the glowing fog and leave the opponents confused
* (Luminous Fog) Glowing fog thickens for a moment and ceases the fighting
* (Acid Rain) Acid rain pours harder (500-3500 random damage)
* (Acid Rain) Wind whips the acid rain across the battlefield (500-5500 random damage)
* (Acid Rain) Acid rain melts weapons (-2% combat skill for both sides)
* (Acid Rain) Acid rain pours heavy on defenders (800-7200 damage)
* (Acid Rain) Acid rain pours heavy on attackers (800-7200 damage)
* (Acid Rain) Acid rain melts the battlefield (huge scaled damage)
* (Snow) A bitter wind sweeps the battlefield (moderate scaled damage)
* (Snow) Attackers band together to survive the cold
* (Snow) A cold wind sweeps across and stops the fighting for a moment
* (Snow) Attackers slip on ice (30-530 damage)
* (Snow) (if Frozen Race Attacking) Attackers stand strong in the cold
* (Fog) Chaos in the fog (moderate random damage)
* (Fog) Fighting continues in thick fog and friendly fire happens (high random damage)
* (Fog) The fog thickens and the armies wait for it to clear
* (Fog) No one can see the enemy in the fog
* (Rain) Flash flood (moderate random damage)
* (Rain) Mud slide (250-6250 random damage)
* (Wind) WInd rips across the battlefield and throwns many down (moderate scaled damage)
* (Wind) Wind so strong the fighting ceases for a moment
* (Storm) Storm ceases fighting
* (Storm) Lighting bolt hits defenders (400-2900 dmg)
* (Storm) Lighting bolt hits attackers (400-2900 dmg)
* (Storm) Lightning strikes everywhere (moderate scaled damage)
Right before a battle is about to begin, the attacker (wether you or the enemy) has a random event that can take place, usually giving a buff but sometimes the opposite.
* Added Broken Formation Trick charge event (+10% strength)
* Added Broken Ranks charge event
* Added Composed March charge event (+2% strength)
* Added Shout and Clash charge event
* Added Ever-Faster Charge event
* Added Horn and Charge event
* Added Lone Arrow Loosed event (100 dmg to enemy)
* Added Lone warrior burst forward event (+1% strength)
* Added confusion and charge event (-2% strength)
* Added Pause and charge event
* Added Bursts into a roar and charge event
* Added Charge shout event
* Added Butt Reveal event (+1% strength)
Same as the above section, these are the pre-battle events that can happen for non player factions attacking.
* (Psychotic Men) Mouth foaming charge event (+30% strength)
* (Psychotic Men) Plant eating event (+50% strength)
* (Psychotic Men) Rotten plants (-10% strength)
* (Hissing Races) Hiss and charge (+2% strength)
* (Vampires) Fang Show event (+3% strength)
* (Vampires) From the shadows
* (Gnomes) Gnome Cheer event
* (Gnomes) Chuckle
* (Lizardmen) Distant Hiss event (+2% strength)
* (Lizardmen) Silence and hiss (+2% strength)
* (Smaller Races) Stick out tongues event
* (Smaller Races) Pebble toss (Moderate damage)
* (Smaller Races) Yelling warband
* (Wild Races) Wild cries and shouts event (+1% strength)
* (Wild Races) Loose horde
* (Big Races) Ground shakes on approach event (+6% strength)
* (Big Races) Battlefield stomp event (+6% strength)
* (Big Races) Earthquake (+6% strength)
* (Cannibals) Hungry shout event
* (Cannibals) Lip licking event
* (Cannibals) Desperate hunger
* (Magic Users) Spell of Pain event (Moderate damage)
* (Magic Users) Battle strength magic event (+20% strength)
* (Magic Users) Strange magic
* (Low Undead) Bumbling Horde event
* (Low Undead) shamble forward
* (Low Undead) zombie scream
* (Asshthaki) Fire-red spider event (+2% strength)
* (Asshthaki) Many spiders event (+1% strength)
* (Asshthaki) wave of spiders (+2% strength)
* (Savage Races) Huge roar event (+3% strength)
* (Savage Races) Huge Warcry (3% strength)
* (High Undead) Bone chilling shriek event (+3% strength)
* (High Undead) Death whsipers (+3% strength)
* (High Undead) skull snake (+3% strength)
* (Necromancers) Lone skeleton event (+3% strength)
* (Necromancers) An army of skeletons (+5% strength)
* (Necromancers) Wave of bones (+3% strength)
* (Gods) Circle in the sky event
* (Gods) Levitation approach
* (Gods) Sky holes
* (Ghosts) Wailing from nowhere event (+10% strength)
* (Ghosts) Out of thin air
* (Ghosts) Sound and arrive (+15% strength)
* (Terramancers) Quakes event
* (Terramancers) Land changes
* (Terramancers) violent shakes (+5% strength)
* (Mutants and Shroomlings) Distant Squidge event
* (Mutants and Shroomlings) Slime launch (moderate damage)
* (Mutants and Shroomlings) trail of slime
* (Pyromancers) Sky Fireball event (+3% strength)
* (Pyromancers) Fire shape in sky
* (Pyromancers) Friendly fire with fireballs (damage to self)
* (Centaurs) Circle Canter event (+2% strength)
* (Centaurs) Bow and gallop (+2% strength)
* (Aeromancers) Gust of wind charge event (+2% strength)
* (Aeromancers) Shockwave air (+3% strength)
* (Aeromancers) Gust of wind both ways (+5% strength)
* (Underground Races) Digging reveal event (+4% strength)
* (Underground Races) Holes in ground
* (Underground Races) sudden collapse (+1% strength)
* (Demonic Races) demonic growl event (+5% strength)
* (Demonic Races) demonic wail (+5% strength)
* (Demonic Races) open ground (+5% strength)
* (Harpies) Distant screeches event (+2% strength)
* (Harpies) Sky screech (+2% strength)
* (Harpies) Distant wing flap (+2% strength)
* (Aquamancers and Hydromancers) Large spalsh event
* (Aquamancers and Hydromancers) Arrive on wave
* (Aquamancers and Hydromancers) Wave falters (damage to self)
* (Lavamancers) Ball of lava event (+5% strength)
* (Lavamancers) spurts of lava
* (Lavamancers) distant lava (-1% strength)
* (Cthuul) menacing charge event (+13% strength)
* (Cthuul) tentacle daggers (+3% strength)
* (Cthuul) horrendous sound (+1% strength)
* (Half-Beast Races) trot forward event
* (Half-Beast Races) canter forward
* (Half-Beast Races) burst and charge
* (Sea Races) large wave crash event
* (Sea Races) Wet march
* (Sea Races) dripping wet
* (Draconians) breath of fire event (+3% strength)
* (Draconians) fire balls (moderate damage)
* (Draconians) spurts of fire (+2% strength)
* (Dryads) Vine wrapped arrow event (60 damage to enemy)
* (Dryads) volley of arrows (moderate damage)
* (Dryads) musical horn
* (Generic) Aggressive charge event (+1% strength)
* (Generic) Fast charge event
* (Generic) Composed charge event
* (Generic) disorganised charge event (-4% strength)
* (Generic) Lone unit charges event
* (Generic) pause and stare event
* (Generic) strange formation event
* (Generic) stomp forward event
* (Generic) Stand off event
* (Generic) stomp and charge event
* (Generic) very aggressive event (+3% strength)
* (Generic) charging the wrong way event (-2% strength)
NEW BATTLE EVENTS (21 features)
Battle events are the main phases of the combat, depending on which side gets the higher roll (based somewhat on their total strength) they stand to either draw, have a close victory, a strong victory, or a landslide. There are many of each event!
* Added Fight forward advantage event (landslide)
* Added Double flank trap event (landslide)
* Added effective pincer overrun event (landslide)
* Added feign withdrawal event (landslide)
* Added take the centre event (landslide)
* Added gain the advantage event (strong)
* Added left flank collapse event (strong)
* Added centre breakthrough event (strong)
* Added hard attack on lines event (strong)
* Added feign retreat success event (strong)
* Added marginal ground gain event (close)
* Added push back a bit event (close)
* Added outflank but barely event (close)
* Added momentary advantage event (close)
* Added light pushback event (close)
* Added no upper hand event (matched)
* Added equal force event (matched)
* Added fighting rages event (matched)
* Added both sides push event (matched)
* Added failed flank event (matched)
* Added no domination event (matched)
Random battle events are totally random encounters that can happen during battles, some have requirements that must be met to happen and others have weather variants that effect them
* Added Goblin Desertion event (+3 variant events)
* Added Eye of blinding light event (+2 variant events)
* Added Dragon over the battlefield event (+7 weather variants)
* Added Weather change event (+4 variant events)
* Added Bears event (+2 variants and 3 weather variants)
* Added Slave escape event (+3 variants)
* Added Fleeing peasants event (+3 variants)
* Added Cultists event (+3 variants)
* Added Crown of Mai event (+3 variants)
* Added Slave liberator event (+3 variants)
* Added Bandit Lord event (+3 variants)
* Added Necromancers rain event (+2 weather variants)
* Added Slime glob event (+2 variants and 3 weather variants)
* Added special sword event (+1 weather variant)
* Added Bees event (+1 variant and 4 weather variants)
* Added Tree falls event (+3 variants and 24 weather variants)
* Added Mine Collapse event (+2 weather variants and 1 follow up variant)
* Added Bird flock event (+3 variants and 2 weather variants)
* Added Hunter volley event (+5 weather variants)
* Added Knight join event (+2 variants)
* Added Peasants event (+3 variants)
* Added Laughing event (+1 follow up variant)
* Added break event
* Added Anvil drop event (+2 variants and 2 weather variants)
* Added axe toss event (+2 variants and 2 weather variants)
* Added puke man event (+2 weather variants)
* Added frog event (+2 variants and 6 weather variants)
* Added glory event (+3 variants)
* Added trumpet event (+2 variants and 1 weather variant)
* Added snakes event (+2 variants and 8 weather variants)
* Added kids watch event (+2 follow up variants and 2 weather variants)
* Added locals event (+2 follow up variants and 2 weather variants)
* Added fart event
* Added silver arrow event (+3 variants and 5 weather variants)
So it's not just been the combat update that's had improvements, I've still been fixing bugs and adding new features, so all of those (a little update of their own) go here!
* Added ability to pay bridge troll 10k to cover a lifetime of bridge tolls (Credit ABCD)
* Added ability to have Sid the Bridge Troll (385 battlescore) as a champion (Credit ABCD)
* Added new post recruitment toll bridge aftermath screen when visited
Recently we've improved the main game menu to show how many throne room visitors and exploration chances remain, well now you'll also see how many fights are left in the Arena (if any), Great suggestion Aegis!
* Added main screen notification of remaining Arena fights (credit AEGIS)
BUGFIXES (18 features)
A heap of bugs from all over have been fixed!
* Fixed 5 text bugs in other buildings screen
* Fixed ability to enter explorers guild even if you haven't built one (credit MaiZure)
* Fixed text bug with giving peasants to militia option when peasants are free
* Fixed bug with non player raids against some minor bandits instead taking the gold from the rebels
* Fixed bug with non player raids against krut and erak instead taking the gold from the rebels
* Fixed bug with non player raids against independent kingdoms not taking any gold
* Fixed 11 text bugs in Blackmarket Scam event texts
* Fixed defeated throne room sudden death gamemaster screen not appearing
* Fixed no notification shown for gained bluetrii when picking the sewer patch
* Fixed text bug with arena tournament option text
* Fixed an issue with saves not loading properly if loaded after an unupdated save causing many issues
* Fixed relation shown as gained instead of lost with musicians guild when unable to afford performance in throne room (credit AEGIS)
* Fixed 2 screens for insulted bard with duplicate lines on it
* Fixed issue with double pause screen when bards run away crying
* Fixed extra line bug with some throne room encounter reactions
* Fixed 2 disappointed throne room reactions being blocked from appearing in game
* Fixed rare chance that disappointed throne room reaction would be blank
* Fixed text bug with soldier pay rise why should I text
Some stuff I couldn't fit anywhere else!
* Reworked slaver's fort revolt pop up screen and added missing indicator
* Stopped exploration reminder happening if you have autoexplore enabled
* Added missing gold indicator to bandit horde peace deal screen
* Added indicator of gold when buying land from independent kingdom that sells them
* Added blocked option if you cannot afford to buy a land from independent kingdom
* Removed old code for land buying rejection
Now that the combat alpha is out I'll need to keep going and adding new content as well as expanding and adding new features as part of the combat update development plan!
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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