This update has a total of 51 Bugfixes and 200 new features and additions!
Been working on this one solidly for the last few days, this update focuses mostly on the throne room, with a few more exploration fixes and some other assorted additions, now you will find the world a little more busy and interactive, the throne room more varied and lots of new people to encounter.
Lots more abomination faces in the world now, thought I'd beef them up because they are more common now due to being able to be summoned to your updated throne room, also new monster parts and some other stuff.
* Added 5 billion abomination faces (was 36 million)
* Added additional information option when attacking Krut
* Added additional information option when attacking Erak
* Added super secret codeword for entering blackmarket when blocked
* Created new blackmarket debug menu for testing purposes (have debug mode enabled and then visit blackmarket)
* Added gangly leg bloat body monster part
* Added giant tentacle legs body monster part
Defender from the audiogames forums pointed out lots of stuff was non destroyable, we can't have that, the king of Aslona should be able to do as he pleases and destroy what he wants, also upgraded some graphics and added a bit more to do at the demonic carving.
* Added ability to destroy the Ooooh snake sanctuary (sorry detyan) (credit defender)
* Added ability to destroy the demonic tower in the southern burned village (credit defender)
* Added visitable destroyed slavers fort with dynamic description based on how it was destroyed
* Reworked Demon carving graphic
* Added ability to destroy demonic carving (credit defender)
* Added ability to look closer at demonic carving
* Added ability to destroy the love cult (credit defender)
* Updated ruined southern village graphical to have coloured totem inside it
A few additions to the blackmarket, a new book written by our own Detyan from the warsim subreddit which can be found in the book rental stall in the blackmarket's central district, we've also got new random events and a new reaction from attacking the blackmarket, if the ruler is a necromancer you may be fighting a horde of undead!
* Added 'A Gathering of Merchant Rhymes from the Black Market' to the book rental stall in blackmarket (credit u/Dtyn8)
* Added ability for necromancer leader of blackmarket to summon an undead horde if you attack the market
* increased minimum requirements of population for slumfolk to be enslaved in blackmarket
* increased minimum requirements of population for slumfolk to become mercenaries
* Added new messages for 1 or no slumfolk taken in blackmarket newspaper
* Added blinking execution blackmarket ruler event
* Added blackmarket leader trading with east dock company event
* Added blackmarket leader selling old artifacts event
* Added blackmarket leader looting a dungeon event
Lots of new throne room encounters to make things more interesting as well as making pre-existent encounters much more dynamic such as visiting knight and foreign outcast encounters.
* Added jester best joke throne room encounter
* Added jester laugh hysterically throne room encounter
* Added old man has come on hard times throne room encounter
* Made old hag encounter a little rarer
* Added demon cursed by enchanted sword throne room encounter
* Added 'don't give gold advice' to throne room advisor
* Added 'trade post advice' to throne room advisor
* Added 'vassal strategy advice' to throne room advisor
* Added 'battle strategy advice' to throne room advisor
* Added 'small to big strategy advice' to throne room advisor
* Added new throne room visitor guest suffix 'mud covered'
* Added new throne room visitor guest suffix 'insane'
* Added new throne room visitor guest suffix 'experienced'
* Added new throne room visitor guest 'tavern goer'
* Added new throne room visitor guest 'stick collector'
* Added new throne room visitor guest 'blacksmith'
* Added Abomination creature summonable to level 5 throne room for entertainment
* Added new throne room visitor guest suffix 'foreign'
* Added new throne room visitor guest suffix 'infamous'
* Added improvrishing smallhaven throne room encounter
* Added tooth cracked compensation throne room encounter
* Added ugly villager throne room encounter
* Added dead soldier debt throne room encounter
* Added gambling soldier throne room encounter
* Added soldier trick throne room encounter
* Added soldier cut tree throne room encounter
* Altered rarity of reparation throne room encounters to make certain encounter less common
* Added punched in the snout throne room encounter
* Added knight wont do you justice reaction in knight throne encounter
* Added knight enjoying freedom reaction in knight throne encounter
* Added new dynamic system for knights in throne room
* Added ability to ask visiting knights about their past adventures (10 possible dialogues)
* Increased forgive outlaws payout in throne room a little bit
* Added share inheritance throne room encounter
* Added wealthy lord bet throne room encounter
* Made independent kingdom messenger throne room encounter a little rarer
* Made army joined encounter slightly rarer
* Added Abomination event to celebrations
* Added new dynamic question system for foreign troop visitors (each has questions that can be asked for the reason they are running from their home and each has dynamic answers)
* Made man saying hell throne room encounter use dynamic guest system
Added a lot more dialogues to various places to keep things interesting
* Added 5 new slaver dialogues
* Added 5 Dragon's Kneecap tavern dialogues
* Added 5 new snowfolk dialogues
* Added 5 Holy order of roses dialogues
* Added 5 sewer folk dialogues
* Added 5 Rihhm dialogues
* Added 5 fighter's pit loser comments
* Added 5 shaian dialogues
* Added 5 Scorpion pit dialogues
Lots of new mercenary origin stories, I'll probably stop adding these at some point but only once I'm sure that there are enough for it to be hard for you guys to see a duplicate
* Added dead clan merc origin story
* Added army reject merc origin story
* Added triggering war merc origin story
* Added holding off goblins merc origin story
* Added slow poison merc origin story
* Added overthrown royalty merc group origin story
* Added adventuring experienced merc group origin story
* Added overthrown tyrant merc group origin story
* Added 'proud warrior clan' mercenary origin story (credit /u/LordWoodstone)
* Added 'Northern folk' mercenary origin story
* Added 'Undead slayers' mercenary origin story
* Added 'Famous warlord killer' mercenary origin story
* Added 'Shiney boys' mercenary origin story
* Added new unit type 'Hired Staff'
* Added new unit type 'Staffwielder'
* Added new unit type 'Staffling'
* Added new unit type 'Staffbearer'
* Added new unit type 'Staffman'
* Added new unit type 'Staffswinger'
* Added new unit type 'Stafflord'
* Added new unit type 'Staffmaster'
* Added new unit type 'Headhunter'
* Added new unit type 'Headsman'
Tons and tons of new name suffixes this update, now there are many more heroes, champions and fools to encounter in the world.
* Added new name suffix 'the Defeated' (-10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wormlike' (-22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Maggotlike' (-20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Maggotbreath' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bogbreath' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stinkbreath' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Third Son' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Fourth Son' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Second Son' (+8 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lie Spreader' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unright' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Scolded' (-12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Crippled' (-36 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cripple' (-39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bleeder' (-20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Weakling' (-30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wimp' (-30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Exessively Cowardly' (-40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Skunkbreath' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Trolllike' (+14 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Red Rider' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Blue Rider' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Grey Rider' (+33 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dark Rider' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Light Rider' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Gold Rider' (+36 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bronze Rider' (+32 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Black Rider' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Night Rider' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the White Rider' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Day Rider' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bridgewatcher' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wallwatcher' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Doorwatcher' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Gatewatcher' (+28 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Hillwatcher' (+12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mountainwatcher' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Overwatcher' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Nightwatcher' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Crabber' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Thrice Fooled' (-30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Twice Fooled' (-20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Many-Times-Fooled' (-40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unaware' (-12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dull' (-15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'of Smallhaven' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'of Rihhm' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'of Darkdale' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Nomads' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Orcs' (+38 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Man' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Elves' (+36 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Dwarves' (+37 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Trolls' (+42 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Ogres' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Ents' (+40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Gnolls' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Liches' (+40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of the Undead' (+26 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Snotlings' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Goblins' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Vampires' (+37 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Demons' (+59 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Gremlins' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Giants' (+43 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Fiends' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Imps' (+7 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Mermen' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Wizards' (+37 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Minotaurs' (+38 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Halflings' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Barbarians' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of Civilisation' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of the Living' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of the Lost' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bane of the Forgotten' (+40 battlescore)
I decided the joke system wasn't in great shape, there weren't that many jokes and I was getting a lot of the same jokes over time, so now there are a handful more jokes you will hear from your jesters or visiting comedians in the throne room and to be fair, some... some of them are funny.
* Added ambush joke (level 2 jesters)
* Added assassin armour joke (level 1 jesters)
* Added dwarf and seamonster joke (level 2 jesters)
* Added holy temple joke (level 1 jesters)
* Added Imp joke (level 2 jesters)
* Added Bard Harp Joke (level 3 jesters)
* Added Wizard trapped joke (level 2 jesters)
* Added Hyrda joke (level 1 jesters)
* Added Genie joke (level 3 jesters)
* Added Armoured Knight joke (level 4 jesters)
* Added Crossbow joke (level 5 jesters)
* Added Necromancer joke (level 5 jesters)
* Added Tavern massacre joke (level 3 jesters)
* Added vampire bite joke (level 4 jesters)
* Added pirate crash joke (level 4 jesters)
* Added monk tavern joke (level 4 jesters)
* Added depressed party joke (level 5 jesters)
* Added murderous dragon joke (level 5 jesters)
* Added talking golem joke (level 5 jesters)
* Added barbarian rage joke (level 3 jesters)
Lots of bugfixes many found thanks to Vylcount and a few from defender, it amazes me how many bugs there are in this game... but don't worry, we'll get em!
* Removed ability to hire champions of the arena as system was old and broken (Credit VineFynn)
* Fixed can speak to brawl pit champions when they are away (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed brawler champions running away from a fight retained their title
* Fixed can speak to fighter's pit champions when they are away (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed Old Stone not showing ruined in explore menu once destroyed (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed Explorers Stone not showing ruined in explore menu once destroyed (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed prison policies text showing as other policies
* Fixed 20 gold bandit hunting law text bug (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed capitalisations in smoking hut (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed the 'company was build' text bug in east dock trading co (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed 'I one of them' text bug (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed Okruk One Eye story clarification
* Fixed Xoks hall of goblin heroes capitalisations (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed 'Binded' goblin hall misspelling (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed 'Anytime' goblin hall misspelling (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed grand galleon being misspellt (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed fighter's district capitalisation and text bugs (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed 'the ask your business' text bug for goblin market guards (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed 'charnge' text bug with blackmarket leaders (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed acrobat line spacing issues
* Fixed capturing fort gorthmek line spacing issues
* Fixed false blackmarket newspaper recruitment reports
* Fixed trio of goblins text bug
* Fixed no diplomat line spacing issues
* Fixed greenskin mining company text colour issues
* Fixed starting exploration chances accidentally start at 2 for new games instead of 3
* Fixed blackmarket warparty event able to happen every time
* Fixed 'player rolls the the die' text bug
* Fixed Wild north duplicate text bug
* Fixed fort northwatch text bug
* Fixed holy order skipping bug
* Fixed Oooh snake sanctuary skipping bug
* Fixed splitline issue in destroyed royal bank
* Fixed royal bank vault text bugs
* Fixed royal bank text colour
* Fixed royal bank missing divide lines
* Fixed text bug speaking to snowfolk chief
* Fixed 'the the' dragon's kneecap text bug (credit arnold18)
* Fixed people treating you as a slave hero when the slavers fort was destroyed by an unrelated slave revolt, even if you have slaves and even if the fort being destroyed was under the assistance of an army of slave rebels who are actively fighting you, you still get credit
* Fixed destroyed slavers fort having (aslona) tag if aslona didn't destroy it
* Fixed Demon carving grammar issue
* Fixed the general text appearing when attacked if you don't have a general
* Fixed buying greenskin mine meant the greenskins continued to send you a tribute (credit defender)
* Fixed capturing or buying monfort mine meant you continued to be sent a tribute (credit defender)
* Fixed 'oper her up' rass text bug (Credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed if you lose attack against the blackmarket you will never be able to win it
* Fixed game crash from no relations file (autofixer system)
* Fixed 0 slaves taken text bug (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed merc dress sense text bug
* Fixed personal treasury gold not explained in turn report blackmarket event
* Fixed 9 roof tiles with broken spacing
* Fixed ability to see events for higher level throne rooms
* Fixed bard faces appearing when ascii disabled (credit defender)
* Added new currency generator suffix 'Tiny' (ie Tiny Goblin Talents)
* Added new currency generator suffix 'Mini' (ie Mini Gold Bits)
* Added 8 new crowns
* Added 5 new roof tiles
* Added 5 goblin names
* Added 5 gnome names
* Added 2 new building generator tilesets
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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