This update contains 210 new features and 25 bugfixes and this update has lots of big additions too, not just new creatures and names.
Some big additions here, firstly, every 4 years there is now a special event in Rihhm with larger snail races, knights returning from quests are more common, gangs can merge with the horde, you can restart dead kingdoms if you have enough men, better phrase system, more end of turn pop ups, champions now have faces and backstories, the rebellion desertion system has been made fairer and less against you, musicians guild has been added to guildrow and loads more!
* Added once every 4-years special Rihhm snail racing circuit (5 snails, higher payouts)
* Added new system for dealing with knights returning from quests, now its much more common
* Added rare chance that minor bandit gangs merge with bandit horde if they have less troops and only one land
* Added super rare throne room encounter to re-establish dead kingdoms (if you have 101 total troops and minimum 1 tier 3 unit from the kingdom)
* Modified phrase system to be a little more dynamic (credit vylcount)
* Added new secondary phrase system to vary phrases up (credit vylcount)
* Added special end of turn pop up when outlaw pest group spawns
* Added special end of turn pop up when void army spawns
* Added special end of turn pop up when undead army spawns
* Added heroes and champions in your court now have faces
* Added heroes and champions in your court now have backstories
* Made soldiers and peasants deserting you and joining rebels rarer (also now your units will only flee if the rebels have twice as many men as you)
* Added ability for rebels to flee and join you if you are 2x bigger than them
* Added musicians guild to Guildrow in the Blackmarket
* Added Krut Leaders face to Krut Diplomacy
* Made snails move slower in snail races
* Made unable to speak to locals in Rihhm during snail event
* Made new Rihhm intro graphic for during snail racing event
* Rewrote king Ooolak's diplomact description
* Added random year system when generating lords at start of game
* Added ability to press space to skip musical abomination (Credit Vylcount)
* Added system to generate faces and backstories for champion in outdated save files
The horde is dead, so why do all of their cogs still turn, now once you kill the demon horde the world will reflect this a little bit more
* Added New dynamic dialogue system for Arasuk
* Added several post collapse Arasuk dialogues
* Added several new general Arasuk dialogues
* Added Wall of prophercy in Arasuk gets destroyed if demon horde is beaten
* Added Seer's hut in Arasuk gets destroyed if the demon horde is beaten
* Added alternate shrine of Xzelfrak in Arasuk if the demon horde is beaten
* Added sand talker in Arasuk disabled if the horde is beaten
* Added sand talker cannot be hire in throne room or found in celebrations if the horde is beaten
* Added demon totems in the south are automatically destroyed when the horde collapses
* Added demonic village ruins not demonic if horde is beaten
* Added new ducking dwarf joke (level 1 jesters)
* Added Zombie bar joke (level 2 jesters) (In my defence this was added before someone suggested it)
* Added mimics joke (level 3 jesters)
* Added sea monster diet joke (level 4 jesters)
* Added new name suffix 'the Kraken' (+45 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Kraken-Slayer' (+47 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Kraken Follower' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Kraken Worshipper' (+9 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Beastbait' (-5 battlescore)
* Added New Kingdom type 'Pelicandom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Magpiedom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Basiliskdom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Moosedom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Chimaeradom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Rocdom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Krakendom'
* Added New Kingdom type 'Sphinxdom'
* Added New Animal 'Chimaera'
* Added New Animal 'Basilisk'
* Added New Animal 'Pelican'
* Added New Animal 'Magpie'
* Added New Animal 'Moose'
* Added New Animal 'Sphinx'
* Added New Animal 'Kraken'
* Added New Animal 'Roc'
Now your champions and heroes get their own back stories, because of this I have worked as hard as possible to make a bunch of interesting backstories and will no doubt continue filling the game with as many of these as possible to add a real variety.
* Added 'Blackmarket wilderman' hero backstory
* Added 'Goblin Slaver' hero backstory
* Added 'Wild North too many enemies' hero backstory
* Added 'Honourable Northern Mercenary' hero backstory
* Added 'Northern proud merc' hero backstory
* Added 'Bitter love cultist' hero backstory
* Added 'Peaceful love cultist' hero backstory
* Added 'Handy Bard' hero backstory
* Added 'Famed Bard' hero backstory
* Added 'Dumb wilderman' hero backstory
* Added 'Farm Guard' hero backstory
* Added 'Bandit Warlord' hero backstory
* Added 'Second Guard' hero backstory
* Added 'Slappy champion' hero backstory
* Added 'Lord of the bracelets' hero backstory
* Added 'Son of a nobleman' hero backstory
* Added 'Caravan raiding warlord' hero backstory
* Added 'Brave Guard' hero backstory
* Added 'Village champion' hero backstory
* Added 'Bandit turned hero' hero backstory
* Added 'Bored Brawler' hero backstory
* Added 'Merc gone solo' hero backstory
* Added 'Famed Hunter Scam' hero backstory
* Added 'Non-bigot goblin hunter' hero backstory
* Added 'Goblin Diplomat' hero backstory
* Added 'Goblin-stopping militia head' hero backstory
* Added 'Goblin Trader' hero backstory
* Added 'Angry villager turn hero' hero backstory
* Added 'Remorseful demon worshipper' hero backstory
* Added 'Wanderlustful merchant' hero backstory
* Added 'Escaped prisoner capturer' hero backstory
* Added 'Bounty Hunter' hero backstory
* Added 'Non-drylands nomad' hero backstory
* Added 'Wolfslayer' hero backstory
* Added 'Wild north explorer' hero backstory
* Added 'Far north explorer' hero backstory
* Added 'Uneventful army captain' hero backstory
* Added 'Blackmarket Conman' hero backstory
* Added 'Coastal watchman' hero backstory
* Added 'Goblin Staff finder' hero backstory
* Added 'Mine foreman' hero backstory
* Added 'Arasuk Squire' hero backstory
* Added 'Slaver hunter' hero backstory
* Added 'Distinguished military career' hero backstory
* Added 'Trade ship first mate' hero backstory
* Added 'Painful past' hero backstory
* Added 'I'd have to kill you' hero backstory
* Added 'Unspoken Oath' hero backstory
* Added 'Blackmarket dockworker' hero backstory
* Added 'One time pit champion' hero backstory
Lots more of these, thanks to bookrage for his suggestions
* Added 'Short hater' merc origin stories
* Added 'Individual mercs' merc origin story
* Added 'Wild parties' merc origin story
* Added 'drunk fight' merc origin story
* Added 'ex gladiators' merc origin story
* Added 'awoken from a sleep' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'from another realm' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'sworn to green dragon' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'another plane' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'famed ancestors' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'equals' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added 'world burn' merc origin story (credit bookrage)
* Added new unit type 'Carver'
* Added new unit type 'Culler'
* Added new unit type 'Spiritcaller'
* Added new unit type 'Soulstealer'
* Added new unit type 'Soultaker'
* Added new unit type 'Kicker'
* Added new unit type 'Fistslinger'
* Added new unit type 'Fistswinger'
* Added new unit type 'Fistmaster'
* Added new unit type 'Fistwarrior'
* Added new unit type 'Warsinger'
* Added new unit type 'Heavy Kicker'
* Added new unit type 'Heavy Puncher'
* Added new unit type 'Legkicker'
* Added new unit type 'Kickwarrior'
* Added new unit type 'Kicklord'
* Added new unit type 'Warchanter'
* Added new unit type 'Kickmaster'
* Added new unit type 'Duty Follower'
* Added new unit type 'Monster Hunter'
* Added new unit type 'Order Follower'
* Added new unit type 'Battlechanter'
* Added New Race 'Magpie Folk'
* Added New Race 'Magpiemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Magpies'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Magpies'
* Added New Race 'Half-Magpies'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Magpies'
* Added New Race 'Moose Folk'
* Added New Race 'Moosemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Mooses'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Mooses'
* Added New Race 'Half-Mooses'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Mooses'
* Added New Race 'Basilisk Folk'
* Added New Race 'Basiliskmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Basilisks'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Basilisks'
* Added New Race 'Half-Basilisks'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Basilisks'
* Added New Race 'Chimaera Folk'
* Added New Race 'Chimaeramen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Chimaeras'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Chimaeras'
* Added New Race 'Half-Chimaeras'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Chimaeras'
* Added New Race 'Sphinx Folk'
* Added New Race 'Sphinxmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Sphinxs'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Sphinxs'
* Added New Race 'Half-Sphinxs'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Sphinxs'
* Added New Race 'Kraken Folk'
* Added New Race 'Krakenmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Krakens'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Krakens'
* Added New Race 'Half-Krakens'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Krakens'
* Added New Race 'Roc Folk'
* Added New Race 'Rocmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Rocs'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Rocs'
* Added New Race 'Half-Rocs'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Rocs'
* Added New Race 'Pelican Folk'
* Added New Race 'Pelicanmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Pelicans'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Pelicans'
* Added New Race 'Half-Pelicans'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Pelicans'
The unconquerable lands has been expanding to include two new factions, these are groups that are visible in the explore screen once all the five other kingdoms are completely defeated
* Added Everblaze Goblins to the Unconquerable lands
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Everblaze Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Melting Everblaze Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Everblaze Lavaspawn Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Everblaze Goblin Beast'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Two-Headed Everblaze Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Everblaze Zombified Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Mutated Everblaze Goblin'
* Added Unit to Everblaze Faction 'Half-Dead Everblaze Goblin'
* Added Wolfclans to the Unconquerable lands
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclansman'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Kull'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Wolf-Rider'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Hunter'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Raider'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Warrior'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Fighting Woman'
* Added Unit to Wolfclan Faction 'Wolfclan Trapper'
* Fixed champions graphic colour bug
* Fixed battlesounds carrying over if you disable music (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed Rihhm snail racing giving you 5 gold for free when you watch a fight
* Fixed extra line spacing issues in rebels and bandits diplomacy
* Fixed colouring and line issues in rebel, bandit, krut and erak diplomacy
* Fixed King ooolak crown graphic bug
* Fixed blackmarket trade without trade post (Credit Vylcount)
* Fixed independent lords year being wrong (Credit Vylcount)
* Fixed minor bandits appearing in faction ranking screen when disabled (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed prison button spacing in the other buildings menu
* Fixed missing space in end of turn ceremony intro text
* Fixed skipping end of turn ceremony doesn't clear on screen properly
* Fixed foreign merc hall graphic miscoloured
* Fixed missing splitline when trying to speak to a bearfolk in fjori
* Fixed Kicked out of explore screen when capturing monfort mine
* Fixed 'Their is an artifact' text bug
* Fixed destroyed magic fruit farm text colour bug
* Fixed magic fruit farm text displayed incorrectly
* Fixed snail racing speed issue
* Fixed east dock ventures not appearing in income report (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed phrase generation system was blocking more than half the phrases being made
* Fixed broken foreign merc hall labels if bought on old saves first turn
* Fixed foreign merc hall allows you to buy already bought mercs, taking money but giving no troops
* Fixed deserting peasants text bug
* Fixed demonic village ruins pause issue
* Added 3 new gorthmek orc dialogues
* Added 3 new silver staff tavern dialogues
* Modified old cabin man's dialogue
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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