Warsim (Honk Honk Jesters and 2 Trillion Demons)
Ok so as usual this update took a little longer than I wanted, but I needed to make sure all locations were covered with new destruction sounds, and tons of other stuff, let me know what you think!
It's a dumb idea that came to my head, but as anyone who's been playing warsim for a while knows, those dumb ideas often end up in the game, well now any jester who's introductory speech to you starts with the words 'Honk Honk' or 'Wonk Wonk' will say that before every joke or riddle! Also you can find nervous jesters who will often mess up trying to tell you a joke or riddle!
* Added Joke telling jesters now show their face instead of a horse image
* Added possibility of nervous stuttering jesters
* Added possibility of jesters that say Honk Honk a lot
* Added possibility of jesters that say Wonk Wonk a lot
* Added dwarf joke (level 1 jesters) (credit Laughing Gravy)
The Blackmarket has been buffed again, the place is a highly valuable location with tons of population but often a weak and easily beaten army, no more!
* Added 1000 starting troops to blackmarket
* Made blackmarket bandit troop wages half a gold coin per turn (instead of a single coin) to allow for more men to be on payroll without bankrupting the market
* Increased blackmarket troop limit for all leaders (6000 for bandit kings, 4500 for bandit warlords, 3800 for all others)
Lots of new faces, demons by request and halflings due to their use by our new race!
* Added 2'869'278'572'160 (2.8 trillion) Demon faces (credit pinback)
* Added 2'525'644'800 Halfling faces (was 740 million, now 3.2 billion)
A new race, Homunculi are tiny little troublemakers!
* Added new race 'Homunculi' to the game (small humanoids, smaller than halflings) using halfling faces, protofolk names and having terribly low population and strength stats
Tried to go through the list of race prefixes to see which ones should logically change skin colour, so now races will look more and more unique, also three new prefixes! so you can get Ransacking Dwarves, Snow Elves and Desert Demons!
* Added 'Ransacking' race prefix (allows race to raid and gives +3 battlescore)
* Added 'Snow' race prefix (Gives White Skin, +6 battlescore)
* Added 'Desert' race prefix (-5 population level +7 battlescore)
* Added Ghostly races now have white skin
* Added Golden races now have yellow skin
* Added Water races now have blue skin
* Added Frost races now have blue skin
* Added Fungus races now have dark green skin
* Added Volcanic races now have dark red skin
* Added Lightning races now have yellow skin
* Added Bronze races now have brown skin
* Added Arcane races now have purple skin
* Added Flame races now have red skin
* Added Fire races now have red skin
* Added Mini races get smaller faces
A great suggestion from Vylcount, now certain winning brawlers can be hired as a new champion!
* Added dynamic brawl hire system (possible hire for free, or random gold figure) (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added slum pit fighters hireable (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added hired brawler entertainment fighters hireable (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added dragons kneecap brawl fighters hireable (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added thickblood tavern brawl fighters hireable (credit u/Vylcount)
So as with the recent updates, there's been a huge push on getting more sound effects in the game. No longer will Warsim be a relatively soundless game save for the background theme! No! I've been downloading Copyrightless sounds from Freesounds.org and mashing them up. If you have any ideas for places that could use sounds let me know!
* Added new sound effect when taking orb from northern hall
* Added new sound effect when destroying chaos orb (in artifact hall)
* Added new sound effect for Oooh Snakes
* Added new sound effect for destroying Oooh Snake sanctuary (pretty funny)
* Added new sound effect for opening plague box
* Added new sound effect for destroying talent stone
* Added new sound effect to touching doomstone 13 times
* Added new sound effect to touching fragment of doomstone 13 times
* Added new sound effect to rubbing the goblin stone enough
* Added new sound effect to firing an arrow in archery range in wildwood
* Added new sound effect to hitting an arrow in archery range in wildwood
* Added new sound effect 'watchtower down' (funny)
* Added stone destruction sound effect (credit Niklas)
* Added sound effect to destroying blackmarket statue
* Added new sound effect (evil rock break)
* Added rockbreak sound to all evil demonic totems
* Added new sound for chopping the gift tree down
* Added new sound for taking gold from the gift tree
* Added sounds to musicians guild destruction screen
* Added building destruction sound effect
All of these locations now have much better destruction screens which each include sound effects.
* Added new destruction screen to Wild North Mercenary Outpost
* Added new destruction screen to Harvest stone
* Added new destruction screen to Hlok Mine
* Added new destruction screen to Doomstone
* Added new destruction screen to Explorer stone
* Added new destruction screen to Old Stone
* Added new destruction screen to Fjori fortress
* Added new destruction screen to Eastern Trade Post
* Added new destruction screen to Scorpion Pit
* Added new destruction screen to fort Kullak
* Added new destruction screen to ruined southern village
* Added new destruction screen to Arasuk
* Added new destruction screen to strange southern rock structure
* Added new destruction screen for Nalli trade post
* Added new destruction screen to Fort Gorthmek
* Added new destruction screen to monfort mine
* Added new destruction screen to smallhaven watchtower
* Added new destruction screen for Strange Cabin
* Added new destruction screen for Oooh snake sanctuary
* Added new destruction screen for goblinstone
* Added new destruction screen for cartographers guild
* Added new destruction screen for Fort Aslona
* Added new destruction screen for the combat academy
* Added new destruction screen for fort northwatch
* Added new destruction screen for the brawl pit
* Added new screen for shallowrock mine collapse
* Added new destruction screen for blackmarket
* Added new screen for destroying love cult
* Added new screen for destroying chaos orb in artifact hall
* Added new screen for opening plague box in artifact hall
* Added new screen for destroying talent stone in artifact hall
* Added new screen for destroying strength stone
Pangolins are now in the game!
* Added New Race 'Pangolin Folk'
* Added New Race 'Pangolinmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Pangolins'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Pangolins'
* Added New Race 'Half-Pangolins'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Pangolins'
* Added New Race 'Pangolinlings' (sounds weird)
* Added new kingdom type 'Pangolindom'
* Added new creature 'Pangolin'
As always, tons of bugfixes! Thank you everyone who's reported them to me :)
* Fixed spacing bug when selecting custom races
* Fixed '14kids' text bug in secret pickpocket hideout (credit u/Vylcount)
* Fixed trade tutorial grammar issue (credit u/CWagner)
* Fixed military action tutorial grammar issue (credit u/CWagner)
* Fixed Erak labelled as krut in income reports bug (credit Cablenexus)
* Fixed goblin kingdom false label bug (credit Cablenexus)
* Fixed references to K'rut and E'rak or Krut and Erak (made them all Krut and Erak)
* Fixed independent kingdom five being labelled as independent kingdom two (credit u/CWagner)
* Fixed blackmarket guards not payed desertion code
* Fixed cyclops race description bug (Credit Blackenblood)
* Fixed steward advice text bug (Credit Blackenblood)
* Fixed 'the come to sing' text bug (credit Blackenblood)
* Fixed 'Defilter' warrior suffix text bug (credit Blackenblood)
* Fixed hiring the second or third jester choice would remove the first jesters talent
* Fixed Hired already bards breaking the system
* Fixed mercenary post text colour bug
* Fixed Doomstone text colour bug
* Fixed colour bug with huntsmans rest archery
* Fixed colouring on champ hire screen
* Fixed blackmarket leaders that get bonus troops not getting random bonus but fixed
* Fixed textwrap issues in cartographers guild
* Fixed broken buy lands from independents system (credit u/-RedditPoster)
* Fixed replacement of assasinated independent leader copies predecessors personality
* Fixed scorpion pit screenwrap text bug
* Fixed Rihhm playing busy village music even if village destroyed
* Fixed Rihhm sounds not resetting upon exit from village
* Fixed missing line from gift tree destruction and destroyed text
* Fixed colour issues in artifact hall
* Fixed outplace line in seer stone screen in artifact hall
Some inconsequential things, but also a new custom game option and the ability to hire musicians regardless if you already have one, thanks for the suggestions guys!
* Added ability to have independnet kingdoms not respawnable (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added ability to hire musician regardless of if you already have one (credit Blackenblood)
* Moved mining tools to productivity upgrade cateogry instead of income (credit Blackenblood)
* Added champions strengths shown on champion hire screen (credit u/Punriffer5)
* Added 5 new giants names
* Added 5 new blogroki names
* Updated labels of the death sound system option (credit Laughing Gravy)
Get Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
Status | In development |
Author | Huw2k8 |
Genre | Simulation, Adventure |
Tags | ascii, Fantasy, Generator, Moddable, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Sandbox, Strategy RPG, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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